chapter 19

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                 Ayan sayad (pov)

I saw the address of that mall i started driving my car towards the mall

I reached near mall

I heard my phone ring

Faiz?why he is calling me now

" Assalamualaikum" he said

" Hmm"

" I found him" he said


I take a long breathe

Am ready to meet him?

I am ready
I am

I am?

Stop thinking aayan

"Aayan you there? " He asked me


"So,you are ready to know?" He asked me

I. Am ready

"Yes"  i said

"I am in your office...come fast" he said

He is fast

"Yes i am coming" i said and cut the call

It's mean I can't meet her

I have to wait 10 days

I turned back towards my office

I reached my office

The gaurds open the door

I saw Faiz setting in guest room

" Faiz" i said
He turned to me and smile

" Assalamualaikum aayan" he said

And hug me

"How are you?" He said after breaking the hug

"As you don't know" i said and sat down infront of him

He sat

"Sam said you are marrying" he said with smile

"Yeah "

"You don't tell me" he said with fake anger

Drama King

"Because I don't want" i said in normal voice

"Yeah yeah I am not important"he said

"Stop your drama" i said annoying

"Who is she?"he asked


She is going to my wife in just 10 days thinking about make me happy very happy

"You are smiling"he said

I stopped smiling

"I AM NOT" i said

"Yes you are not " he said smiling

"Where do you find her" he asked

"She is Ayesha ali" i said

"What?" He shouted

"Ayesha ali? Sam sister? " He asked

"Yes... And stop your question answer tell me about him" i said in serious tone

"Yeah, about him " he said

I have not tell anyone about my past except Faiz he is first one who knows
I trusted him very much ...i didn't tell Sam because I don't want him to stress

"I have seen him Delhi " he said


Where all the thing have started
Where I have seen him for the first time

My home

"Next week" he said

"It's mean he is finding you " he said

"Finding me?" He asked

"Yeah ....i stalked him " he said he wanted to play with me again... let's see who will win this time Junaid

" And also I seen he was asking everyone about his daughter ' he said

'his daughter? She is alive?" I asked him

"I don't know...." He said

"What about his wife?" I asked him

"She is dead" he said

"The old people were saying" he said

"Let's find her daughter to play with him" i said smirking

"But what if she is dead" he said

"Then let's find what about that" i said

"If she is alive then find her ...."i said

"Let's use her for playing hide and seek with him" i said smirking

This is going to intresting

"Ohhh okay" he said

" I have to go aayan" he said

"Allah hafiz" he said and went outside

Again he came

I looked at him

"And also take care of Ayesha she is gem " he said with smile and left

She is gem gem

I smiled

I closed my eyes

I have to find her

His daughter

This time he can't win from ME



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