I want you

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             Ayesha Ali" pov"

" I want you" I heard him what he said "can you repeat again " I asked him " what you heard" he asked me I clear my voice "that you want me" I asked him again "yes you heard it right" he said in Normal voice he is not fine " you think it's Joke "I asked him " you are lucky that I choose you" he said with smirk " not interested "I said "you know that we can try" he said with smirk again "try" I asked him "like what" I again asked him " going on date"
He said date astagfirulla " I already said not interested  " I said he looked at me like I am
  joking " tell me the reason for rejecting " he asked me
"reason " I asked him "yes" he said " first you are non mehram and also you are not Muslim " before i complete my sentence he cut me off " I am
Muslim " he said"huh" what you are " I asked him "MUSLIM " he said annoying " you are Muslim
I asked him" yess any problem " he asked me " so problem solved" he said with  done
Face " tell me one answered then I will thik " I said " asked me" he said I looked at his eyes have dark brown eyes "where is ALLAH"I asked him he looked at me suprised his brown eyes have something's that I don't understand "tell me"I again asked him " I don't know" he said with shutter voice "  so bye "I said taking my bag and went towards the parking area I take a Long breathe and went in side in my car what does he think i am not that type of girl I closed my eyes and take a deep breath ya Allah hep me with this problem ya Allah if he is written for gave him right path towards you ya Allah if not then make our different path ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
After a while I reached my apartment I opened my gate and saw the time it's ashr time h yeh I went towards my bathroom for
Wah du u ~~~~~~~ after I finished my namaz and to
Took my quran as I was reading i heard bell rings i kept my quran and went towards to open my gate as I opened
"You" I asked him what he is doing her at this time ALLAH help me

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