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                    Ayan sayad(pov)

She went away after taking her bag what she asked? Does she know him?why the hell did she asked that question I closed my eyes
     20 year's ago

I was standing looking at myself infront of mirror which was half broken
I heard someone opening the door I don't dare to turn around because I am scared of him
"Turn around" he said ordering and my small body react to him and turned around and looked at him he was wearing a mask he have HAZEL EYES he kept looking at me and suddenly he held my arm and tighten his grip it's paining " what's your name?" He asked me
I said in low voice "aayan shameer"
" Your father has given you very beautiful name " he said " but you know you are very unlucky today is your birthday you turned 8 tch tch tch tch tch you can't even enjoy instead of playing with children enjoying and cutting your cake you are enjoying with me " he said as he had won something
"Who is your god" he asked suddenly I don't utter any word he tighten his grip more tight "I asked you something kitten tell me " he said in scary voice "ALLAH " I said in low voice he stared laughing

" then is no god aayan " he said in deep and scary voice
" Remember one thing aayan there is no god aayan no one and if you forget then I will kill you without any guilt " he said
"Understand?" He asked devilish
" Y'esss" I said
"WHERE IS ALLAH?" He asked me
"I don't know " I said
"Good kitten........very good " he said and leave me I fell on the ground and left the room
    " I HATE HIM "
I opened my eyes and take a long deep breath and started thinking
He also have HAZEL eyes which I hate the most
She also have HAZEL eyes which I got peace when I see then

Are they related ? No it can't be
Then why the hell did she asked me question
I have to talk to her
I take my car key and went towards her apartment after 20 mins I reached her apartment room and pressed the door ftee 5 minutes she opened
" Aayan ?" I heard her sweet voice

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