chapter 16

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                 Ayesha ali (pov)

I cut his call

I am going to marry

With him

That I don't even know anything about him

Ya allah

Inshallah everything will be fine
He is good man?

I heard knocked on my door

I opened the door

"Aayan call me....he said that you said yes ....for this marriage"Sam said

"Yehhh"i said with small smile

"Are you happy with your decision?" He asked me

Happy?i am not

"Yes" I lied

"I am happy for you Ayesha... thank you for listen to me ....he is good man" he said with smile

" have already said that" I said

"Okay I am going to tell dad "he Said and went outside

I locked the door

And sat down on my bed


I am setting on my balcony thinking about his proposal

"Can I sit here" i heard Sam voice

I looked at him"hmm" i said

"So what you are thinking" he said

"Nothing" i said looking at moon

"You are are thinking about aayan " he said

I turned to him

He knows

I nod

"He is good guy...."i looked at him

"He never talk to any girl...he talk when it's important you are the first girl in his life whom he want .... You know what  he said to dad ?" He asked me

"What?" I asked curiousity

"That he will never leave you...he will always make you happy...he will give you all his time...." He said smiling

"I am not here talking like his friend "he said

"He is kind sometimes...he never show to anyone....." He said

"Think about....hmmm" he said

End flashback

"I hope that I never regret this" I said

I again heard knocked

I opened the door

"Mam, Sir is calling you downstairs " she our housemaid said

"You can go....tell them i coming in 5 minutes " i said

She hummed and went outside

I went downstairs and saw


Why he is here?

"Ayesha cone here" i heard dad voice

He looked at me

He smiled....i don't know how to react this
I smiled back

I am nervous

I sat down near my mom

" So ,my daughter said yes?" Dad asked me

He again looked at me with intense gaze...
Why he is looking at me ?

" Yes" I said in low voice

" I want to marry her after 10 days " i heard aayan voice

10 days? Is he mad?

" What are you saying aayan...she need shipping and many things to do will take time" mom said

" I need very simple nikkah.. isn't okay Ayesha?" He asked me looking at me

He wants simple nikkah?
I am happy

" Ya it's okay" i said

So it's finale ....i will meet you on our nikkah day " he said

" So if you both are ready then what we can say " dad said

Aayan get up from his sit

And turned to me

" I want to talk to Ayesha alone" he said

Alone? With him?

" Okay ,go Ayesha take him to your room " Sam said with teasing smile


" Yehh" i said and getting up

He was following me

As we went inside he looked the door

" What are you doing " i asked trying to be confident

" don't have to worry...I am not a this type of man " he said setting on my bed

" Sit down " he said showing the palace

Near him?

"I am fine" i said

"I am not asking...." He said


I sat down near him

"So ,why did you said yes?" He asked theis questions that I also don't have any answer

"Moon ? I asked you something " he said breaking my thoughts

"I don't know " i said in low voice

"You don't know?" He asked
I nod

"It's okay... when you know this answer then you can tell me" he said

" You were hijab at home also?" He asked


After that he doesn't asked any questions instead asking me questions he was looking at me making me nervous

I cleared my voice

" Can we go? Downstairs" I asked him

He looked at him and nod

I get up to go then i heard his voice

" You will never regret to marry me....I can't be not a good Muslim i don't trust allah...but I will try to be good can trust me moon" he said
I looked at him

He will try

" Why you can't become good Muslim? Why you can't trust allah ?" I asked him

Looking at his brown eyes
He get up from his place and went outside without even saying anything  

His eyes that I can't read
His eyes that have so much thing to say
His eyes have different emotions
That I can never understand

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