chapters 24

29 12 0

Ayesha (pov)

I heard my alarm........
I slowly opened my eyes and looked everywhere....then i realised I am married... I looked everywhere to find him ...I went to washroom to check if he is here or not ....
I knocked " aayan?"
No reply
It's mean he haven't come...... what's emergency that he were outside for whole night? He is cheating on me??
No can't be
If he is cheating then he will not marry me ....
I took a deep breath......I heard adhan
I closed my eyes to listen
After adhan i went to washroom for wadhu
I looked everywhere to find jarnemaz
I opened the wordrobe
" Where he kept jarnemaz?"
" I think he doesn't have"

I opened my luggage and find my jarnemaz and quaran placed

I took them out...I kept quaran in wardrobe

I placed jarnemaz and started praying namaz
" Ya allah i don't what was his emergency just keep him safe wherever he is ...just make him realise that he have wife...ya mere allah keep him protect from every dangerous...give him hidayat ya allah give him right path towards you only you mere rabb..... ameen" i completed my dua
And fold my jarnemaz then I saw him in same clothes that he have were on our nikkah ...I kept on table and went towards wardrobe to take out quaran
I take quaran on bed and started reading....
I read for sometime then i closed and looked around and saw him he is sleeping on sofa
I smiled...he looked different when he sleeps....he is looking so peaceful

I kept quaran in wardrobe

And went outside i started wondering his house is different he almost lock all his room....
He have only opened his room , kitchen his study room that's it...all his room locked....
I am standing in kitchen thinking what to make ....
What type of food he likes?

" Good morning mam" I heard voice
I turned to see that same lady what's her name Yana ...yess

" Good morning" i replied with smile

" You need anything mam" she asked
" Don't call mam you can call me Ayesha" i said

" Oh.. Ayesha" she said

" Hmm... what's aayan likes to eat?" I asked her

" Sir... he likes cereal for breakfast he didn't eat lunch...and for dinner he didn't like any particular food he likes simple dinner" she said

He is weird

" Ohh"

" What you want for breakfast?" She asked me

" Tea and toast bread" i said
She smiled and nod

I went upstairs to wake him

I opened the door to see he is sleeping

With opened mouth
I smiled

" Aayan"

He didn't woke

" Aayan ....Ayan wake up its morning " i said
He opened his eyes and looked at me he held me towards him leaving no space I lay down near him ...I don't what he is trying to heartbeat is fast ....not my his also i can hear his heartbeat which is beating fast
He tighten the grip around my waist

" Aayan" i said

"Hmm" he said in his sleepy voice

" Let me go " i said

" Why" he asked me

I don't know what to say

" Please let me go " i said

He nod and leave me

He again closed his eyes....I take a deep breath

" You didn't eat anything " i said

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