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                   Ayesha ali (pov)

What did he just call me ? Moon ?
What's wrong with him ..... He is not okay..... Ya Allah help him  stopped my thinking about him I can't think about him thinking about him it's haram

I looked my door and went towards my room as I sat down on my bed again my mind went to him why I feel goosebumps when he call me moon ....his moon
Stop thinking about him ......
He is not good
He is just namesake Muslim
Stop thinking about him Ayesha
I heard adhan it's time for Isha namaz as the adhan Stop i went towards to washroom for wadhu
After wadhu i started reading my namaz
I folded my hand ya allah you know everything about me ya allah you know everything about him if he is right for me then make me his if not then we never accross our path ya allah give him right path towards you only you

I completed my dua
I went towards my bed to sleep

After reading my dua i slept

                   ( Ayan sayad pov )
I stopped my car near my house and take a deep breath

I entered my house there was a pin drop silence everything is dark i switch on the light and went towards the kitchen and found my house keeper she already prepared my dinner thanks to her I kept my dinner on dinning table and started to eat after keeping them in kitchen

I went towards my room
And lay down on my bed thinking about my moon
Thinking about her i don't when I slept

              18 years ago

He push me on the ground
" How dare you run away again?? " He shouted
I kept numb I don't know how to react this
' you forget when  you run for the first  time ..... And how I  beat you you are just 8 years but after 2 years ago you ran away from me you 10 year old boy "

He literally killed me on that day

"But still you ran away from me " he come towards and tighten his grips of my hand
No matter how many time you will run from me at the end you will come to me kitten " he said with disgusting tone

" But today I am happy.......very happy so I will not do anything to you " he said

" Asked me the reason little kitten " he said
I don't want to asked anything to him

" Asked me" he shouted

"What is your reason " i asked him

" First say master to me " he said again with disgusting tone

"What is your reason master" I said in low voice

" Hmmm today my daughter turn 5 it's her birthday" he said in happy tone

Birthday? His daughter?

" I have to leave because she is waiting for me ...... Bye bye kitten" he said and went outside after locking the door

                 ( Present)

"My head" I said as I sat down on my bed I looked at time it's 9:40

I slept so many hours with this nightmare

I went towards my washroom to freshup
After I take my phone I dialed one number

" Hello " I said

" Hello aayan after long time you called me" on other side of phone

" I want to meet you Mr Ahmed"

" Yeah , sure aayan...... But is everything is okay?" On the other side of phone

" Yeah everything is fine i will come to your house "

" Okay why not you come for dinner?" He asked me

" Okay " I said and cut the call

Now you are going to be mine Ayesha ali

she saved my LifeWhere stories live. Discover now