chapter 17

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            Ayan sayad ( pov)

Why the hell did she asked this question


I take a deep breath

After i left her room
I went straight to my car

I don't even know this answer....this is all fake

If allah is really a god
Then why he did not help me

Why ?
Why my family suffered so much
Why he can't help us

I heard my phone ring its detective

"Did you find anything about irha?" I asked him

" Sorry sir ,we are trying "he said

"Trying?you are trying for 10 years" i shouted

" I am sorry sir"he said

I cut the call

Where are you irha? Please be safe i can't loose you ....

I started driving my car

Again it's ringing


"Assalamualaikum" he said in happy voice
He is my friend...he is police

"Why did you call me?' i asked him directly

"Why? Can't I call my friend " he said dramatically
Drama King

"You can...but right know i am driving " I said

" I have something to show you..... I can't meet you because I am out of station " he said

" What?" I asked him

" I found irha" he said

Irha? He founded

"Aayan?" He asked me

" Yes,irha? " I asked

" Yes your lil sis " he said

" Some family have adopted her ...." He said


" They are good they care her like their daughter...her name haven't changed" he said

" She is happy?" I asked him

" Yes, she is you know what she is medical student" he said
" I want to see her for once" I said

"I have sended you pic ....and she works in home hospital "he said

I cut the call

I have to process everything happened here
Irha have founded

She is adopted by good family
She is happy

She is grown

I looked at her photo
She looked like our mother

Her everything is same

My sister

Can I meet her?
It is wrong

She is happy without me
I can't bring her past

I can't meet her
If she asked me" why i didn't come to her"
What i will reply

What if she asked me about our parents

What i will tell her

I will not meet her

I started driving my car towards my house

I opened the gate

And went towards my room

I heard sound

"Is someone is here?" I asked

Looked around

" Kitten how are you" i heard him

It can't be real

He can't be
I am not ready to meet him now

I turned around looked at him

He have knife

" On that day i can't kill you...but know you are going to dead no one can save you " he said looking at me

He started coming towards me with sharp knife

I don't move ....i can't move ...
I don't know why I can't move

I can't breath

I fell on the ground

And closed my

I am going to die
It's my end ?

What about my moon?


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