Who is She?

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Today is when Seabrook high is going to have students who wants to be this year president.

Before we can even go further, let's take you back couple days ago.

Welcome to Seabrook, where belonging is everything. Seabrook is a strong, united and tight-knit community. And that's a good thing 'cause it wasn't always this way.

Legend has it that when the first settlers came to Seabrook, they found wild beasts with sharp claws lurking in the forest. Which sparked an epic battle.

Seabrook settlers bravely fought off the monstrous attack. And discovered a powerful
energy source.

Realizing they discovered a precious resource, they safeguarded it from the beasts. They weren't going to let anyone steal their treasure.

So they hid it. And the town prospered and grew rich by harnessing the precious energy source.

Seabrook benefited greatly as it grew strong, happy, and unified. The beasts were a distant memory.

Seabrook forgot monsters could be real. Until clearly, they were. A little lime soda mixed with a dash of industrial strength Seabrook energy...And boom! Zombies were created.

But it ended when a certain cheerleader and a zombie got together and realized monsters ain't that bad.

Until recently, they spotted werewolves. Now everything was going out of control. The Z-patrol are back and all Anti-monsters rules are back.

Meaning. No zombies allowed at Prawn.

Now, let's get back to the story.

"The Great Alpha's near." Wyatt said as him and the rest of the werewolves came out from the vents.

"Focus." Willa, the leader of the pack and Wyatt's sister, said to the werewolves, "Remember, we're fierce, we're savage."

"We're werewolves!" Wynter, a werewolf, growls.

Willa looks at her fellow friend, "That's right, Wynter."

"We're scared of nothing." Wynter smirked before Wyatt replied, "Except silver."

Wynter's face changed into scarred, "Yeah, silver."

"And ticks." Wyatt added another fear.

"And rabies." Wynter added another one as well.

"Come on, if we're quiet, we can be in and out of here before they even know we're here." Wyatt said.

Exactly when he said that, a werewolf grabbed a silver trophy, making him screamed out in pain. The wolves were basically playing hot potato with it till it landed on Wynter.

"Ah, Silver! Oh, pain!" She growls before she hold it, "I can take it!"

Willa and Wyatt were surprised on how long Wynter was holding it, but it didn't last long because Wynter threw the cup, "No, I can't!"

Wyatt then grabbed the trophy to where the part doesn't have silver, "Nice grab." Willa said to her brother.

"Come on." Willa said to her pack.

Wyatt heard some sweet voice coming from a hallway, "Wolves, someone is coming." Wyatt said.

Willa eyes widened, "Wolves, hide." All of the wolves tried their best to hide.

Wyatt was standing behind the trophy case when the girl was talking someone on the phone.

"I'm telling you, Dean-O, this school is filled with very cheery people and it's fucking annoying. I have to live with that everyday. So, please, can you pick me up?" The girl said on the phone.

Wyatt took a glance at the girl and his eyes widened.

Wyatt took a glance at the girl and his eyes widened

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He was looking at her face. Her pink blush, fitting with her nice skin. Her eyelashes, fitting with her beautiful brown eyes, her pink lips fitting perfectly with her pearl white teeth. Her layered hair was all well done and don't get him started with her dimples.

"I wish I can, but you missing a lot of days because we've been taking you out on hunting trips. I'm sorry but you have to stay. Also, you work after school and it's not that far from school." Dean said to the girl.

"Deannnn..." The girl said, holding the 'n' for a moment.

"Isabella Lightwood, I can't. Now, if any of those sum bitches get to you.." Dean said, making me finish his sentence, "Kick them in the ass. Don't worry, I got my bow and arrow in my bag and my angel blade on my boot. I'm fully prepared." Isabella said.

So that's her name, Wyatt thought.

How can a girl like her could have all those weapons on her and not get in trouble?

"I love you, bells." Dean said, making Isabella smile softly, "I love you too, brother."

They hung up and Isabella looked at the doors, where the election is taking place.

"I'm not going to listen Bucky talking about himself and Zed being all extra." Isabella said to herself before going to her bag and taking out her AirPods. She put it on and played her music before going to the election.

Willa, Wynter, Wyatt and the rest of the wolves came out of their hiding spot. Wyatt was taking a little while because he was still staring where Isabella was at.

Willa notice and snapped her fingers right in front of him, "Earth to Wyatt." Wyatt finally paid attention and looked at Willa, "Sorry. I was just... Staring at the girl who just left?" Willa cut him off.

"Yeah. Um... Isabella Lightwood. That was her name." Wyatt said, still thinking about her and let gorgeous look.

"Lightwood? I heard stories about the Lightwoods. They're hunters from many generations." Wynter said.

"Hunters?" Wyatt asked Wynter, who nodded her head.

"Can we talk about this later? We need to go find the white hair." Willa said, annoyed about this.

Wynter and Wyatt nodded and the wolves went inside the gym.

Wyatt knows one thing is that this Isabella Lightwood person has something interesting to him and he'll do anything to talk to her.

Even is she's just a normal person.


Thank you for reading my book! I have done one book called "A Year Without Rain." So hopefully you can also read that one. It's also a Wyatt Lykensen book and it's like a crossover between wizards of waverly Place and Zombies (and teen beach movie) 🤭 anyways this book would definitely be super different than my other book.

This book is more serious and more interesting:)

I hope you favorite it, comment or even add it to your list.

I hope you're having a great day/night!

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