Come On Out

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After Isabella was done teaching A-lan how to play the piano, A-lan went to 'cheer' practice with the rest of the aliens and Isabella decided to go outside. She grabbed her jacket and walked all the way to Zombietown.

She sat down outside of a café table and was enjoying her fruit salad with some cold glass of wine. Fake ID does come in handy.

Sometimes being alone is such a good thing.

"There's my girl."

ANNNDDD.. It can be ruined by someone who you hate with a passion.

"Why don't we skip to the part where I stab your hand with my knife." Isabella said, coldly.

"Wow, out in public? Not your specialty, isn't it?" He taunted her.

Isabella hold her grudges before she replied, "What the hell do you want, Crowley?"

"Isn't it obvious? You." Crowley said, taking a seat in front of the hunter.

"I don't know if you got the hint the last time we saw each other, so I'll say this loud and clear," Isabella faked smiled before her face turned back into a stoned glared, "No. I will never join you."

"That's to sad, really. I feel like you and I would be an unstoppable duo. I see so much potential in you, yet your brothers brings you down. I can feel your strength, your power, your hunger. The fire that I need." Crowley said, chuckling darkly, "You can be unstoppable."

"Why would I be with the man that killed my best friend? Casey was innocent in all of this. You wanted me. Not him." Isabella said, biting her cheek.

"You see, I did warned him that it's you that I want, but he begged and begged that I should take him instead of you." Crowley began, "But the night when my hellhounds was being told what to do, he got in the way."

Isabella fist clenched, "You ordered your stupid bloody dogs to kill him. He was trying to protect me." She said.

"And look where that got him. All I want is you. The baby was close second, but I really don't care about her anymore." Crowley said, fixing his posture a little bit, "I know you want the power, Isabella." He said, slowly leaning in to the hunter, "Slowly, you will be consumed with dark magic and deep down inside of you, you won't hate it. In fact, you'll enjoy it so much you might killed me." Crowley said.

"The killing you part sounds right." Isabella said, smirking a little.

Crowley started to taunt her, "Aw, open your eyes, Isabella. See what I see, feel what I feel. You don't want to be fixed. I can make you a big star. The better version of you. So, how about this. Let's make a deal."

"You and your deals." Isabella said, "I know your games. You'll cheat your way to make me join you."

"You think so low of me?" Crowley said, putting his hands close to his cold black heart.

Isabella shook her head, "Yeah. Yeah, I do."

"Well, here's the deal. I'll stop messing with you and your idiotic brother's life if you join me." Crowley said.

Isabella scoffed, "And if I don't?"

"Well, I just keep on making your life miserable until you say "I'm in."" Crowley said.

Isabella smirked before she took her glass of wine before chugging all of it and setting it back down.

"I guess I see you around." Isabella said, before she placed a knife on Crowley's hand. Crowley groans in pain, holding the knife, while Isabella smirked. She got up and grabbed her jacket, "That's for Casey." She said before walking away from the bloody Crowley.

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