BC: Darkside

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"So that's your plan? We make Wyatt a spy and pretend to be evil so he can inform us what Isabella would do?" Dean asked as he was sitting down on the kitchen counter with the wolves

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"So that's your plan? We make Wyatt a spy and pretend to be evil so he can inform us what Isabella would do?" Dean asked as he was sitting down on the kitchen counter with the wolves.

Sam, Alice and Bobby were also there as they some of them were drinking coffee or beer. Alessia was sleeping peacefully in her room, leaving Alice having a walkie talkie in her hand.

"Yes. As you can tell, your baby sister is not hurting him physically. She leaves him alone." Willa said, nodding her head, "He could give us a head start."

"But we know all she's doing is bringing Casey back. Since she's not doing a deal with a crossroad demon, she's taking matters into her own hands." Sam said, making Wyatt to question, "Crossroad demon? What's that?"

Dean sighed before explaining, "They're demons that buy souls for Hell through deals with humans."

Sam continued, "These deals consist of the demon granting the human's wish in exchange for ownership over that person's soul, resulting in the person dying and going to Hell to be transformed into a demon upon death. Dean did it to bring me back to life. He had a whole year till he died and he did."

"You guys died? And brought back to life?" Wynter asked them.

"Yes. Multiple time actually. They really do love us I guess." Dean said.

"Has Isabella ever died?" Wyatt asked them.

"No and she never will. We all promised each to no sell our souls. Not anymore." Dean said.

Wyatt nod his head. Thank god she didn't died and had come back to life. Wyatt wondered how she felt to see her brothers died multiple times. She has mentioned it before to him that they died, but she said it like it was nothing.

"Okay, back to the topic," Alice said, making everyone to stare at her, "I think is a good idea. Who know what she'll do in the next few days. Wyatt can distract her while Bobby, Castiel, the aliens and I find an object to stored all of the dark energy from her and killed it."

Bobby nodded, "Alice is right. It's worth the risk."

"You see? He's on board." Alice said, pointing to Uncle Bobby.

"So what if he is? I don't want to get someone hurt." Dean stated, looking at the wolves, "You guys are my sister's friends and she likes you. When she goes back to her normal self, I'm getting my ass beat." He said.

"She won't. Trust me. I won't let her." Wyatt said, nodding to him.

Dean stared before he sighed, "So what are you to say to her?"


The next day, Wyatt was walking to the mansion that Isabella, Fallon and Ethan were staying. He has to admit, it's one of the prettiest houses he has ever seen. And don't even get started about the car that's parked in front of it, it was gorgeous. Walking up to the front, he heard party music.

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