BC: Hunting (1)

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"I have no choice! I doing it to save you guys!" Isabella yelled out through her phone.

"Bells, there's another way. Just please... don't do think. It's dark magic. It will consume you and bring you out the worst." Dean pleaded.

"This is the only way, Dean-O." Isabella said sadly, "I have to do this. Goodbye." She brought the phone down and stared at the Mora Miseriums. The hourglass object was lying there peacefully.

'Do it. Break me.'

"Shut up." Isabella snapped, looking at it. The voices in her head is getting stronger.

'You see what the people around you are making you? Weak. Your brothers, that angel, the alien girl, that baby and don't get me started with that werewolf you been attached to.'

"I said SHUT UP!" Isabella screams, grabbing the object.

"ISABELLA! DON'T! PLEASE! SON OF A BITCH! DRIVE FASTER!" You can hear Dean's distant voice coming from the phone, but that didn't stop Isabella from grabbing the dark object.

"My family doesn't weaken me. It makes me stronger." Isabella said.

You can hear the door breaking in. Isabella jumps and realized her time is running out.

"Oh, Isabella." You can hear a voice taunting her, "Don't do anything stupid, just hand me the Mora Miseriums and you be out of my way." The dead but familiar voice tells her that.

"Get out of his body first." Isabella snarls, "You demon."

The demon figured laugh, "I kinda like this body. Might keep it. Forever." He said.

Isabella then said, "Then no." She said before she lifted the hourglass up in the air and shattered it completely.

"NO!" The figured said before he was blasted in the air.

The dark smoke was coming out of the broken glass and was all heading towards Isabella.

The dark smoke was coming out of the broken glass and was all heading towards Isabella

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She gasped as she felt every darkness flowing through her. Her beautiful brown eyes was now black and little by little, the darkness was inside her.

The only thought she could remember before she went blank was that she did it to save someone important.

'You'll be free soon enough... Castiel.'

"Bells, Bells, WAKE UP!" Isabella gasped, fixing her posture. She bolted wide awake when Alice woke her up.

The huntress accidentally hit Alice's head in the process, making her to groan in pain silently, "Ow."

Isabella was being watched by her brothers, who looked concerned.

"Sorry. Bad dream." Isabella said before fixing her hair.

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