Flesh and Bones

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"Pregnant? How is this possible?" Isabella suddenly asked when she was done being in shocked.

"Well, when two people really love each other- You don't have to be." Dean cuts off Sam.

Isabella rolled her eyes at her brother's stupidity before looking at Alice. She slowly took a step foward, not breaking an eye on the girl's stomach.

"May I?" Isabella hesitated to asked Alice. Everyone was just staring at the two girls, observing them.

Alice looked at Isabella. Alice notice the hope in her eyes. How can she say no to that? Alice was holding her stomach before she nodded, letting it go, "Sure." She said, very confused.

Isabella was now in front of the blue haired woman and kneeled down. Isabella looks at Alice for permission before she slowly brought her hand close to the stomach.

Alice was suddenly confused on why she's feeling like this, "What is she doing?" Alice asked the boys.

Castiel spoke up, "Isabella has this rare ability to move things with her mind." He said.

"Like telekinesis?" Alice asked.

"More like Mental and physical manipulation. I can manipulate thoughts and mindsets as well. I also heal people and can feel things." Isabella said, when her hands was more closely to her belly.

"Isabella barely uses her ability because it can be strong at times. That's why we keep it "on" the "down low"." Castiel said, air quoting some words.

That's when she felt and heard it. Two heartbeats. Alice and the unborn child.

Isabella gasped happily, "I can feel two heartbeats." She said, happily.

Sam smiled at that. Maybe is going to be a miracle for Dean and for the rest of them. A blessing.

Alice smiles at that, "You can feel it?" She laughs softly, "What else can you feel?" She asked Isabella.

"Well- No." Dean suddenly said.

Isabella furrowed her eyebrows, "No?"

"We not going to keep it." Dean said, shaking his head, before going to the fridge and getting himself a cold beer.

"What do you mean by that, Dean?" Isabella asked, standing up and crossing her arms.

"Dean..." Castiel started to say, but Dean cuts them off.

"We're going to put this baby at risk. We're hunters. We don't get a happy ending. I won't let this baby be in danger because of me. I won't allow it." Dean said to them.

Isabella closed her eyes, understanding him. Dean was already a father material since he took care of Sammy and her. Not to mention he was great with kids every time they go on hunts. But a kid on his own was too much for him.

"Well he's not going to be just a normal baby, Dean." Alice said, finally standing up.

"What do you mean by that?" Dean asked her.

"Not only I am pregnant, I'm an Alien. This baby is going to be part Alien." Alice said, making every one to have their eyes widened.

"Dude." Sam said, looking at his brother.

"I made out with a chick that's not even from this planet?" Dean said before muttering to himself, "Oh, My god. I kissed Starfire."

"Slow down, Robin. Why you surprised? We live in a town that has zombies and werewolves. Let alone we have far worse creatures than aliens." Isabella said.

Alice smiled at Isabella. Alice barely knew her, yet she already has her back.

"Having this child could be a good thing, Dean." Sam started.

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