Fixing Mothership

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Alice, Baby Alessia and Isabella were standing at Zombietown, looking at Addison, holding her luggage and was ready to say goodbye to her friends and family.

The aliens beamed down, "With the reactor damaged, there is a 67.9% chance that we will not have enough energy to leave orbit." A-li stated to the new alien.

"We must try. The longer we wait, the worse our odds." A-lan said, looking at Alice and Isabella. He's not ready to leave them once again. Alice is his best friend and Isabella is his platonic friend.

Addison nodded, "Okay." She turned to see Bree and the cheerleaders, who were very sad to see her go. Bree came up, "Think of me when you use them. They're supposed to shake, not me." Bree started to cry, making the two girls to share a hug, "Hmm. I'll miss you, bestie." Addison said, letting her go.

"Oh, I'll miss you, extra-terestie." Bree chuckles a little.

"We are the Mighty Shrimp Couldn't be prouder!" Addison chanted, looking at her cheerleader mates.

"And if you can't hear us! We'll cheer a little louder!" The cheerleaders chanted back.

Addison smiled at them before she looked at Alice and Isabella. Alice went up first, "If I knew you were my cousin way sooner, we would've been great friends." Alice said, holding her baby.

"We would've been great cousins. And I would've been a good auntie." Addison said, holding Alessia's hand with her finger.

"Oh they would've been competition." Isabella said, making the girls laughed.

Addison then went to Isabella, "I'm glad we became friends, Sissy. At first, I thought you were a real bitch." She said, making the hunter to laughed silently, "Well, what changed?" Isabella asked her.

"Oh, I still think you're a bitch. I've just grown that to like that about you." Addison smiled at her, "I honestly learned a lot from you. Everything you do for your family and for your friends, I respect that." Addison said.

"Addison, you already did that way before you met me. When you took off that wig in front of everyone on that football game, I knew right away that you going to be amazing. Don't forget that, okay?" Isabella said, before Addison pulled her for a hug, "I'm going to miss you, Sissy."

"Me too, Addykins."

The girls pulled away before Zed came up as well, but Isabella notice the duffel bag he was carrying behind his back.

"I don't wanna leave, but the aliens need to find their home." Addison said, sadly to her boyfriend.

"Yeah. I know." Zed said, before he pulled up his duffel bag, "Which is why I'm coming with you!" He smiled at her.

Addison gasped happily, "What?"

A-lan shook his head, "It is impossible, Zed." The couple frown even more.

"Only our species is capable of space travel on the Mothership." A-spen explains to the zombie.

"You'd be fried by our stardust energy in a minute." A-li tells him as well.

"I'm sorry, Zed, but it's true." Alice said, agreeing with the aliens.

Zed went back to be more sad, "I was afraid we would be separated by a couple hundred miles when you went to college." He said.

"Now, we'll be galaxies away." Addison said, holding her finger up. Zed went to put his finger up as well and when he touched Addison's finger, he got zapped with the stardust, so he immediately put his finger away.

"Hey, Isabella. Can I talk to you?" A-lan said, making Isabella to look at Alice.

"Go ahead. I'll talk to A-li and A-spen. I already said my goodbye to him." Alice smiled before she and the baby went to the other two alien.

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