BC: Hunting (2)

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Dean and Isabella were in the car

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Dean and Isabella were in the car. It's the day of Halloween and they're doing the same routine. Hunting. Dean has been eating more candy and was piling up against Isabella's side of the car. Isabella was getting annoyed that she's being used as a garbage bag.

"Can you at least pick up your own mess?" Isabella asked Dean but didn't get a replied.

Soon, Dean's phone started to ring. He looked at his cell to see that Alice was calling.

Meanwhile, Isabella's phone dinged and Isabella went to reach it and grabbed it to see who texted her.

"Hey." Dean said, while chewing his candy.

"How's it going?" Alice asked Dean in concern. Alice and Sam stayed at the motel to find more information about this case.

Isabella was barely paying attention to the phone call. Her smiled beamed when Wyatt texted her.

Good morning, pup. How's your day?

- Wyatt (pup) 🐺

It was a simple text, but the little things matters. She's starting to adore everything Wyatt does. The simple texts, brightening up her not so fun days, holding her hand whenever he cans... she will never admit it to anyone, but with nothing romantic going on with her life, she's glad that a guy was giving her attention.

"Awesome, yeah, we talked with Mrs. Razor Blade again. Isabella and I been sitting out in front of her house for hours and we've got a big steamy pile of nothing." Dean tells them.

"Look Dean, someone planted those hex bags, someone with access to both houses. There's gotta be some connection." Sam said on the phone.

Isabella finally looked up and couldn't believe her eyes.

"Yeah, well I hope we find 'em soon cause I'm starting to cramp like a –" Dean finally notice what Isabella was looking at.

It was Tracy. Damn. So she did knew who Mr. Razor Blade guy. But what are the connections.

"Son of a bitch." Isabella and Dean said at the same time.

"Quit whining." They hear Sam's voice on the phone.

Isabella rolled her eyes, "No, Idjit, we mean, son of a bitch. Tracy is talking to the wifey." She said as the siblings were watching Tracy interacting with Mrs. Wallace, who was holding her baby.

Dean hung up the phone, started the car as soon Tracy was inside and drove back to the motel they're staying at.

Now that she had time, Isabella replied to the pup.

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