New Year

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It's been at least 7 months since they have not seen the Aliens and Alessia. (A/N: i tried my best to calculate the age of the baby. Since zombies 2 came in 2020 and Zombies 3 2022. Yeah, I change the year from the previous chapter. I tried my best here lol)

The first couple of months were the hardest. Sam was now basically babysitting Dean, who has been non stop hunting so he can distract himself. Dean wasn't your goofy brother anymore, he became so much darker and serious. He was at his lowest point. All he wants is to see his little girl, but he wants her safe at the same time. No one can blame him.

Castiel tried so many ways to find some ways to bring the baby here and be safe, but when he finds a way, there's always a problem. The spells are very breakable and their enemies can come through. He wants Dean and Alice to be happy and them to reunite their little family.

Alice sometimes joins with Dean, Sam and Isabella with hunts and uses her rage to kill any creatures that comes in her way. But at home, she grieves for her lost daughter. She is missing what every mother should witness. Her first laugh, her first time rolling over, her gassy moments, her first word, and her first time walking. Isabella sometimes will go over to her and they both shared some cuddle times since they both really need each other. Alice do go to Dean when they both want to grieve together and Dean, of course, lets her.

Isabella is now in her senior year. She still your average cold, death threats type of person, but with her new friends, she was gentle and soft. Her friends tried their best to make her less depressed and at first it didn't work. The only person that succeeded is obviously Wyatt. Isabella would get nightmares and at nights, she sneaks out and goes to the Den. Wyatt lets her go in his room and they just cuddled.

He was her safe place

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He was her safe place. She always calms down when he placed his arms around her. That's when she realized that she found her anchor. Her emotional tether. But even with him, she can't make her voices in her head to stop controlling her. In fact, it's getting worse. She hasn't told anyone because she feels like she's getting crazy. Not even to her brothers, Castiel, Wyatt and to Alice. In her nightmares, she sees the same sand clock. The black smoke consuming her. It felt too real, that she has been reading a book about it. It's all in the dark magic book. She has found it at the library and has kept it ever since.

But the past few months, everything was going slowly back to normal. Dean is slowly being back to himself, Alice starting to enjoy her day without feeling sad, Sam can now enjoy his free time and Isabella is about to graduate. She's proud of herself to achieve something like that.

Today is the day the Seabrook town is celebrating Zed and the football team, cheering them to victory as they going against some team she forgot what they were called.

Right now, Isabella was the only one at the house since the rest of the family were an hour away, doing some hunting.

She looked in the mirror and looked herself up and down. She decided to cut her hair back into a wolf cut and layered it a lot.

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