BC: "Come Back To Me"

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It was the middle of the night, and Isabella, Wyatt, Fallon and Ethan were in the woods, preparing for the ritual. Everything is set. They got everything they needed. Salt, Casey's ash, soil and water.

Wyatt was worried for her, but he knows that he and the rest of her family will stop her and will bring her back.

Wyatt was leaning beside a tree while looking at the dark hunter, who was putting salt on the floor, forming a large circle. Stepping inside the circle and sitting down, Isabella looked at Fallon, who passed the hunter the water, the ash and soil.

"Now that we have everything, we can commence the process." Isabella said, making Fallon and Ethan to step inside the circle and sat down and form a circle.

Wyatt was about to step in, but Isabella stopped him, "I don't want you in on this. I want you to be my ears. I don't want people to disturb us." Isabella said.

Wyatt stood there, but nodded.

"Good doggy." Ethan joked, making Fallon to snickered. Wyatt huffed at that statement, but stood there hopelessly, hoping the rest of them are coming soon.

Back with the rest, Castiel had A-li and A-spen to make three containers, so he can use his magic and the alien's magic as well.

"So what do this containers do?" Willa asked Castiel.

"They can take the evil magic away from Fallon, Ethan, and Bells. Once we have it, we can destroy it." Castiel explains, "be close to them and when you are, you open it and store it. Use fire to destroy the dark magic." Castiel said.

In the Lightwood's house, there was Zed, Addison, Eliza, Willa, Wynter, the aliens, Castiel, Sam, Alice (with Alessia), and Dean. Bonzo and Bree couldn't make it since their parents didn't let them out.

"Wynter and I can easily take out Ethan." Willa said, making Wynter to glared at her, "Why us?" She asked the leader, who rolled her eyes, "Don't you see, Wyn? Ethan has this thing with you." Willa said, making her to blush.

"Okay, so the wolves can get minion number one." Dean said, grabbing some knifes.

"Fallon is hard to get. She's sneaky, deadly." A-lan said, "She's a siphon. She can literally observe all of energy." He said, making Zed to furrowed his eyebrows.

"Yeah, how can we take her powers if she can easily observe that?" He asked.

"Well, zombie, she can't resist stardust." Alice said, "Addison can sneak behind and knock her out."

"That can work." Addison said, agreeing with her new cousin.

"Okay and that handles minion number two. Sam, Cas, and I are going to handle Bells." Dean said, making Alice to step up, "Where am I supposed to do? That's my best friend that we're going to save." Alice asked Dean.

"Look, I'm glad you're coming with us and that Bobby, A-li, and A-spen can take of Alessia while we do this, but I won't risk losing you." Dean said, making Alice to look at him, admiring the person who she loves. She looks back down to her daughter and knew that he was right. She doesn't want her daughter to grow up without her mommy and daddy.

"Okay. I'll go with them." Alice sighed, before she walked away to Uncle Bobby, to give her child to him.

"What are we waiting for? Let's go." Alice said coming back and already walking outside.

"Opration: get Isabella back. Is a go!" Zed said before he, Addison, Willa, Wynter, A-lan, Eliza, Alice, Sam, Castiel and Dean all went to the forest.

Isabella took a knife and sliced her hand, making blood pour on Casey's ash. Wyatt winced, looking at the blood.

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