BC: Together

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It's been three weeks since the incident. And in those three weeks, Isabella has been locked inside her room from her old house. Her brothers and Alice tried to get her out to eat and even bring the food to her, but she only eats like two bites and leaves the rest.

Her friends, including Ethan and Fallon, are also worried since she hasn't even talked to them, even Wyatt. Wyatt has been trying to reach out to her by phone calls and text messages, but nothing is working.

Everyone is worried sick about her and enough is enough. Wyatt had enough.

Wyatt went to the Lightwood's house and went up to Isabella's room. He opened the door softly and saw her on the bed, looking zoned out, depressed. He sniffed and her scent reeks from not showering.

Isabella's eyes travel to his and look away, "Leave me alone." She whispered to the point where even he can't hear.

"I have, we all have for three weeks. Three long weeks." Wyatt said, walking to face the hunter.

Isabella didn't move this time. She stood still and watched him as he spoke, "Pup, there's people that are worried about you. Including me. I can't stand being around and not having you by my side. Your brothers and Alice have been non stop trying to get you out of your funk and help you."

"That's the thing, Wyatt. I don't need help. I don't need to be fixed." Isabella said, finally lifting herself up from the bed, "I hurt you guys, I force Ethan and Fallon to practically be my servers, I almost brought back the person that I swore I wouldn't bring back, and worst of all I felt nothing about it. Inside, I was begging her to not hurt you or any of my friends and family, but I didn't fight back. And I can't go change the past. It happened and it's all my fault."

Wyatt can see the watery eyes from Isabella. Is this what she's been off about? That this is her fault?

What he didn't know that that's exactly what she felt. There could've been so many fates that she could've followed, but chose the dark path. It was the last resort and she took it. Because it was the only way to save her angel.

But that was her mind is telling. Wyatt, however, had a different view.

"It's not your fault, pup. It was the dark magic that was inside of you. You did what was best to save Castiel. That took guts. And you can't blame us for trying to free you because it was our choice."

"Yeah I'm not blaming you guys. I'm blaming myself. Fallon and Ethan have a right to be mad at me. You have every right to be mad at me." Isabella said, lying back down.

Wyatt sighed before he grabbed her hand, "Fallon and Ethan aren't mad at you. They know it wasn't you that control them." He said, looking at her eyes, "I'm also not blaming you because I will always choose you. I like you, Isabella Lightwood. You're back to me like I told you. See? You did it. You fought your way to be back."

Isabella silently scoffed, smiling a bit, "No. That stupid container brought me back, but thanks for letting me think I did it." She said.

Both of them laughed silently before she scooted, making some space, "Cuddle with me?" She asked.

"No. What you need to do is shower. Get up." He said, forcing her to get up. Isabella didn't fight back, letting him to guide her to her shower.

"Brush your teeth while I get this started." Wyatt said, making Isabella to go over to her toothbrush and put toothpaste.

Wyatt turned the knob and water was running. He put his hand to feel the water and when it was the right warmth, he walked out and grabbed some comfortable clothes for her to wear. He came back and when he did, he awkwardly stared at her, "I should wait outside." He said, making her to nod.

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