BC: Trying To Set Them Up

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"Okay, guys! To make this work, we have to think Isabella's way." Zed said, having a long stick, smacking it on a white board he has.

Addison, Eliza, Willa, Wynter, Bree and Bonzo were in the floor while Wyatt was sitting in a chair.

"This is Operation making LykenWood a couple." Zed said.

Wyatt raised his hand, "LykenWood?"

"Duh. We have to give you guys a ship name and since we couldn't decided one for Wyatt and Isabella, we mashed up ya'll last names." Addison said.

"You got to keep up, Wy." Willa said, rolling her eyes.

"To make them official, all we have to do is go to her house, talk to the brothers, give Wyatt and Isabella some quality alone time and boom! Wyatt asked her out." Zed explains his idea.

"That would be brilliant!" Eliza said, fake smiling.

"Right?" Zed said, but getting the picture.

"If the brothers will let Wyatt go to her room alone." Eliza said.

"They don't have to know. We can distract them." Willa said.

"How?" Bree asked her.

"Since Dean is going to become a father and Alice is honestly going to be in our side, she'll distract him and along you girls in how amazing he's going to be a father. Guys will appreciate that." Wyatt said.

"That's true. That's a guys greatest compliment they like to be told." Zed said, agreeing.

"You sure this plan is going to work?" Wyatt asked.

"Trust me, Wyatt. It will."


The group all made it to Isabella's house and were walking to the door.

"Remember our plan." Zed tells them before he knocked the door.

A few seconds later, Sam opened the door and gave them a furrowed face, "May I help you?" He asked them.

"Yeah we're here to see Isabella." Addison said, giving him a toothy smile.

Sam took a second before he realized who he was talking to, "Oh, you guys are her new friends. Why don't you guys come in?" Sam offered them with a kind gesture.

"That would be nice, thank you very much." Wyatt said, before the guys let the girls go first before they went inside.

"Your house is beautiful." Bree said to Sam.

"Thank you very much.." Sam said before staring at the cheerleader.

"Oh, Bree." She introduced herself.

"Bree." Sam smiled, "Well take a seat. I'll bring Isabella in a minute." Sam said.

Addison, Zed and Wyatt sat on the stool while Eliza, Bonzo, Willa, Wynter and Bree were seated on the table.

"Is Uncle Bobby here?" Dean said, coming downstairs, "I want some pie!" When he was at the kitchen, Dean froze looking at the teenagers. The only one he notice was of course, Wyatt.

"I didn't know we had guest coming over. Or at least Bells telling us that she will bring her friends." Dean said, before looking up, "BELLS!" He shouted.

"Isabella doesn't know that we were coming here." Zed said to Dean.

"Yeah. We wanted to surprise Sissy." Eliza said.

Sissy? They call Isabella sissy? Dean thought. It's not bad of a nickname but Bells is way better...

"What's with all of the shouting?" Alice said, going downstairs as well. She notice Isabella's friends were here and spotted Wyatt.

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