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Isabella was walking downstairs, noticing that her brothers were in the kitchen, cleaning their weapons. Well, Dean was... Sam was on his computer, probably looking for more hunts.

Isabella also notice a random girl, sleeping on the couch. Her blue hair was covering her face and was snoring lightly. Isabella notice she was coming here these last couple weeks. Isabella really didn't care about it since Dean always bring girls over, but he never stays with a girl for more than three days, which worries her.

"Dean-o." Isabella whispered, going to the kitchen. The brothers look up to their little sister.

"Who's she?" She pointed at the sleepy blue haired woman.

"Her name is Alice." Dean smirked. Gross, Isabella thought.

"I know you love to have fun. But with the loud moans, I was hardly sleeping." Isabella said, grabbing an apple from the fruit bowl.

"Relax, she's just a one time thing like the other people I always sleep with." Dean said.

"One time. You guys practically have been going at it for almost three months." Sam said.

"Three?" Isabella eyes widened.

Before they can make a sudden movement, the sleepy girl started to groan and was waking up from the couch.

The blue haired girl was smacking her lips before she notice Dean, Sam and Isabella, glaring at her.

"Oh." She said, sounding very innocent, "Hello."

Isabella notice her looks now that her hair wasn't covering her face.

Isabella notice her looks now that her hair wasn't covering her face

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She's pretty, Isabella thought.

"Hey." Isabella awkwardly said. It was a moment of silence before Dean decided to break the ice.

"Alice, you haven't fully been introduce to my sister." Dean said, walking up to this "Alice" girl, pulling her to this side.

"This is Isabella Lightwood. We call her Bells." Dean said, introducing them.

Alice lightly smiled at her, "Hey, Bells."

"My brothers get to call me that. Everyone else can call me Sissy." Isabella said, eyeing her.

Alice cleared her throat in embarrassment but nodded nonetheless, "Okay."

"Bells..." Sam warned her, finally looking at her and not at the computer.

Isabella sighs and gave the poor girl a soft smile, "Sorry. Hey, Alice. Nice to meet you," she said.

Alice smiled at her, "Nice to meet you as well."

It was awkward for a moment before Isabella decided to break the tension, "I'm going to be late for school. Got to keep an eye of the werewolves, right?" Isabella said, grabbing her coat and her bag.

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