BC: Aliens?

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(Btw it's crystal Reed's birthday today! If I post this chapter, it will be a day late lol)

Isabella grabbed Alice after the whole fiasco in the alleyway and walked together back to her place.

"Your family is coming?" Isabella asked Alice once they entered back to their place.

Alice was now walking ahead of her new hunter friend, trying not to stress herself, "I don't know. Maybe." She sighs, before placing her hands in her forehead.

"I haven't talk to them since I left them behind." Alice said.

"Yet, we're randomly having meteors coming from the sky. Seabrook people can be stupid, but not me. That's not normal." Isabella said, grabbing some makeup remover from her purse and taking off her makeup.

"Why do you think the aliens wants to cost chaos here, all of the sudden? There's nothing special here." Isabella said, plopping back down next to her new alien friend.

"I think they still haven't found their new Utopia. I'm still in contact with A-lan, but we haven't talked since I found out I'm pregnant." Alice said, sounding sad that her dear friend and her are not talking at the moment.

Isabella notice that and decided to be a good friend. She grabbed her hand and said, "Hey, why don't you just... talk to him? I don't know that much your alien technology works, but I know it's like a cell phone."

"I can, but I'm scared. What if they don't accept my baby?" Alice suddenly asked.

"Well, you said they're harmonious people. I think they will support you either way." Isabella said, "If not, I'll go up in space and kick their ass." Alice snorts at that comment, "See, that's the laugh I'm waiting to hear." Isabella smiled, shaking her new friend.

"I don't know if your brother told you this, but he's giving this a chance. He felt my non-existent bump, but he was happy." Alice said.

Isabella was glad that her brother is finally stepping up. About goddamn time, "Both of you are going to great parents. Dean took care of Sam and I practically our whole life. And with your sweetness and your badass confident, the baby is going to be just fine. Plus, the baby is going have very protective uncles and auntie." Isabella said, looking at Alice's belly.

Both of the girls were giggling together before they heard some noises out of the huntress's house.

They immediately shut up and Isabella already grabbed her angel blade before carefully walking to the door.

They immediately shut up and Isabella already grabbed her angel blade before carefully walking to the door

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The two girls were hesitant to open the door, but when Isabella peeped in, her face turned into confusion.

"I may be sounding weird, but Alice... there's three people who dressed just like you." Isabella said, still looking at the peephole.

Alice eyes widened before she gently pushed the huntress to the side and looked at it, "It can't be." Alice said, before opening the door.

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