Exceptional Zed

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Straight after that, Isabella got beamed down and went home. She went inside to see Sam and Dean, at the table, drinking some beer while Alice was coming downstairs, holding Alessia.

Isabella closed the door and bent down to see the adorable baby, "Hello, Little one." Isabella coed, bringing her arms out.

Alice let Isabella to hold the baby, "She's so adorable." Isabella said, putting her baby on her hip.

"She is, isn't she?" Alice gushes, pinching lightly on her soft cheeks.

"She does look like me." Dean smirks before he stood up and grabbed the baby away from the Isabella.

"Hey, I just had her." Isabella pouted.

"You were out. Wash your hands before you hold her." Dean asked.

Isabella scoffed before she's started to walk upstairs, "Well okay, mom." She jokes before she went to her room.

When she opened the door, her eyes locked into another pair. There he was. Wyatt Lykensen. Sitting in her bed. She assumed he sneaked in because her window was open.

Isabella turned back to see no one coming up, so she closed it before facing the werewolf.

"Wyatt? What are you doing here?" Isabella asked him.

Wyatt stood up and sniffed around the room.

"Okay, this is weird. Why are you so tense?" Isabella asked, crossing her arms.

"You tell me. Your scent... I smelled it when some intruders almost stole our moonstone. Now why is that?" Wyatt asked her.

"Wait, someone was about to steal your moonstone?" Isabella asked.

"Stop acting dumb, pup. I smelled your scent and I definitely smelled the aliens as well. Were you with them when they were about to steal our moonstone?" Wyatt asked her, clearly upset.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Isabella said.

"Stop lying," Wyatt hissed, getting closer to the hunter, "Why are you protecting them? The aliens are just trying to use us. Use you." He continued.

"The aliens aren't doing anything wrong. The aliens are my friends." Isabella reasoned.

Wyatt began to scoffed, "Yeah. Friends."

Isabella was taken aback, "Okay and what that's supposed to mean?"

"Oh yeah, Isabella, they're clearly want to be your friends. Especially that A-lan guy. Can't you see that he wants you?" Wyatt asked, making Isabella to be confused.

"Woah, me and A-lan? Look as much as we hang out a lot, we do not like each other. He does not want me. You got that?" Isabella said, clearly getting pissed, "Besides why are you so concerned? Last time I checked, you don't tell me who I should be friend with or not."

"Because I care, okay? I care that you don't get heartbroken by some jerks." Wyatt said, getting frustrated by her.

"Why would you care about me? We're just friends. It's not like I'm saying anything with you and Eliza."

"What about me and Eliza?"

"Don't you see that you both like each other? You guys have been talking a lot lately and I see that you smile a lot." Isabella said, not trying to sound jealous.

"I don't like Eliza. I like someone else. Maybe even love. I like this person way to much that I didn't know I was capable to actually love someone. This person that have been in my head all day and and all night, the person that will always be there for people. The person I could be myself. The person who loves classic rock, who loves Enter Sandman by Metallica, who's favorite food is burgers, who loves hunting even when she says that she wants a normal life, that's the person that I want to spend the rest of my life with." Wyatt finishes his whole speech, making Isabella to stare at him.

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