Crashing Prawn

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The events from couple of days still remains a little more intense than usual. To Alice announcing her pregnancy to the Lightwoods, to stoping a demolition and to the moonstone to be destroyed was never in Isabella's bucket list.

She hasn't seen Wyatt, Willa and Wynter at all since they have been staying at the Den, trying to take care the remaining of their sick wolves.

The only people that Isabella is talking to is Eliza and Addison. It's not a lot since they just talk about their day and strictly just homework, but it's something. Isabella was just started to get along with the "popular" group, but she suddenly just stopped trying and went back to being herself, working and spending time with her family.

Speaking of family, Dean still hasn't decided if he wanted to keep his baby, but he decided to finally talk to Alice and get their priorities straight. Sam and Castiel were trying their best to keep this situation handled without getting more angry.

Tonight is Prawn night and Isabella wasn't going to go. She never went to a school dance and she never wanted to. Every time there was a dance, she goes hunting with her brothers and that always ends with her coming back, sleeping all night and all day.

But for this occasion, she just wanted to relax, be comfortable and just watch some comedy movies like This is The End, or Rush Hour or heck, maybe watching all Shrek movies. But something tells her that she should go to Prawn. She decided to listen to her head than to her heart. To stay and relax.

Her brothers and Castiel were already gone when it was sundown and currently, she's on her couch watching Rush Hour 2.

She had her hair in a messy bun and was wearing pajama pants with a black tank top. Her red velvet blanket was being wrapped around her while drinking a glass of water.

It was peaceful and Isabella didn't have any of that in such a long time, she forgot how it actually felt. Pretty damn good. But of course, that didn't last long when she heard some knocks coming from her door.

She didn't expect any visitors, so she stood up and grabbed her angel blade and quietly walk to her door as they continued to knock it. Once she looked at her peephole, she raised her eyebrow and open all of her locks. Once she open it, she began to talk, "What the hell you guys doing here?" She asked.

There it was. In front of Isabella, there's is Wyatt, Willa, Wynter, Zed, Eliza and Bonzo. And they're dressed up all formal.

Zed stepped forward, "They were wrong to destroy Seabrook power, and I was wrong about
werewolves. And I was wrong about you." He started, making her to have him a face. He sighed and continued his speech, "You're not just a regular human. You're Isabella Lightwood for crying out loud! THE Isabella Lightwood, one of the best hunters." He stated.

Wyatt nodded and stepped forward as well, "Zed is right. We're fierce, proud werewolves." He said.

Isabella smiled softly at him.

"They think we're monsters. And guess what? We are monsters." Eliza smirks at Isabella.

"Of course you are. You know, not all monsters do monstrous things." Isabella said to them, making all of them to smile at the hunter.

"But we can go crash the party." Eliza said.

"As in now? Look, I'm all for it and I can't wait to see Bucky face when he sees us, but look at me. I literally look ratchet." Isabella said, pointing at her outfit.

"We got that covered." Willa said, grabbing her and Wynter and Eliza followed the two girls back in Isabella's house. Zed, Bonzo and Wyatt looked at each before they shrugged their shoulders and walked in the house, closing the door.

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