BC: Goodbye Little One

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It's been 30 minutes before Alice woke up

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It's been 30 minutes before Alice woke up. All five of them stood quiet, as Alice was holding her newborn baby while the rest were planning about the safety about their kid.

"They will never stop until they have the baby." Sam spoke.

"Alice and my daughter. They're a threat to them. They will never be safe." Dean said, making Alice to stare at him.

"We have made enemies every day of our miserable lives while the worst of them, are in these borders. I have brought them to the world a weapon that will use against us." Dean said to them.

"Then we will armed ourselves, Dean." Isabella said, finally talking.

The brothers and Castiel looked at her, "We fought every adversary in this world and we have won." Isabella started, "We can fight them again. No matter who they are, we will make this town a fortress." She finished.

Dean spoke up, "I will not let them live their lives as prisoners." He said.

"Then we leave. All of us." Isabella said. Yes, she will miss her friends, but right now her family is her number one priority.

"Where will we go?" Sam asked her, "No matter how far we run, those who seek power and revenge will hunt us. They will hunt her." Sam said.

"She has inherited all of our enemies with none of our defenses." Castiel said as well.

"So whether we stay or leave, we can condemn her." Sam said.

Alice stood up, holding her baby. Her alien energy helped Alice to heal the process quickly.

"There is a third option." She said, softly.

The Lightwoods and Castiel looked at the Alien.

"I grew up with a very different lifestyle, and so did you guys. My parents thought they could protect me, but in the end, they were killed and I spent my whole childhood alone and unloved." Alice looked down at her baby and started to cry a little, "I made a promise to my baby and to myself that she would not grow up like I did. That she would grow up safe and loved. And yet, here she is on her first day in this world with a demon that wants her a part of his army." Alice gasped a little, "I think the only thing we can do is to sent her away while we stay here behind and clean up the mess that we made."

Isabella froze at that. Sending her away? She doesn't want that to happen.

And clearly neither does Dean because he stood up and went to her and her daughter.

"No. This is insane. You heard Crowley, as long as she lives, people would want her because she is special." Dean said, holding her daughter's head.

Castiel had an idea, "Not if no one knows that she lives." He said.

Sam stood up, "That's not a bad idea." He said, liking the idea.

"It's not, but it's very painful." Isabella said, agreeing.

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