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Isabella put her dark red lipstick on as she looked herself in the mirror. She's going to graduate.

After waking up from her passing out, she went back to sleep since she really needed it.

"You look beautiful, Bells." Isabella turns to see her big brother Dean, standing there, looking proudly at her.

"I can't believe you're graduating. A Lightwood. Walking down on stage and getting her diploma." Dean said, faking shedding a tear.

"Stop being dramatic." Isabella rolled her eyes, "But yes I'm so proud of myself. I did that." She said, confidently.

"That you did." Dean smiled before he hugged her, tightly.

"I'm going to meet up my friends at Zed's place. I'll see you there?" Isabella asked Dean.

"Of course I'll be there." Dean said, kissing her forehead.

Isabella walked out and started to head Zombietown before she got a call.


It's fucking Crowley. She rolled her eyes before answering the call, "Crowley," she growls. She stopped walking.

"Oh, thank god you're still alive! I was worried sick." Crowley said with a hint of sarcasm.

"Cut to the chase, dorkcula. What the hell are you calling me?"

"Okay I'm always mad, but in a fun, unpredictable sorta way. It keeps you on your toes." Crowley said, making Isabella's blood to boil.

"I hate you." Isabella snapped.

"Yeah such a Castiel thing to say," Crowley taunted, "How is he, by the way? Oh right... I'm using his body." Crowley said, sounding like a kid.

"I hate you for what you did to my family, what you did to Casey and what you're doing to me. And I'll never going to help you and get that stupid sand clock." Isabella gritted, "You're just a manipulative coward."

"Actually, I called you to tell you that this body is boring me. I'm done using him. I think I'm just going to kill him out of spite." Crowley said, darkly.

Isabella's eyes widened.

"I don't believe anything you're saying. You're bluffing." Isabella said, walking the other way.

"I bet you know the Dark Vador's dark clock, right?" Isabella stood silent as she was opening a random person's car and was hot wiring it. Her nightmares were flashing.

"Maybe." She said, as the car started to run.

"You know I want it. That's good that you know where is at. I'm going to head that way, break it, use it on Castiel's body and rule the world, how about that?" Crowley said.

"You're not going to use the goddamn clock, you fool." Isabella said before she started to drive and headed to the place where the sand clock is hidden at.

"I should probably get going and get that sand clock. Farewell, Isabella. And oh, Congratulations on graduating from high school." Crowley said before hanging up.

Isabella looked at her phone before she started to hit it with the wheel, "FUCK!" She screamed out before speeding up to the place, not caring about graduation.


"Well, well, well. If it isn't our robot zombie valedictorian." Zed said, coming out of his house, looking at all of his friends, "So much for overthrowing the system."

"I'm still gonna do that. From the inside." Eliza said, whispering the last part.

The group smiled. Bonzo started to speak, making Bree to smile, "Yeah, I remember being so scared of all of you when we first met."

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