Saving the Aliens

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Isabella woke up groggily, her eyes fluttering as she felt every pain in her body. All she can remember was her going to Zed's little parade for his interview, her feeling sick, and her family running to her before she fell down. Isabella then remembered she also was choking blood before she passed out. Her eyes widened and got up, but someone placed their hands on her chest, slowly bringing her down.

"Woah, there. Don't want you all worked up." Isabella looked at Castiel, who was kneeling next to her. Isabella felt something off about him. Like this is not Castiel. He did called her Sissy. The only people that calls her that are her friends and the only people that knows about it is them, Sam, Dean, Alice, the aliens and of course...

Isabella quickly grabbed a knife that was next to her bed and aimed it at Castiel, "Crowley, I know it's you. Why are you in his body?"

Castiel concerned face changed into a more evil expression, "I knew I couldn't fool you."

"The all mighty Isabella Lightwood," 'Castiel' started, "Once again its weak. Weak because of your brothers and that alien girl and you didn't think I'll will notice that scruffy werewolf boy who was worried about you."

Isabella lowered the knife, "Wyatt," She muttered.

"Wyatt. That's his name. Seems that he really likes you." Crowley, who's in Castiel's body, taunted the girl.

"You're not real. This isn't real. You're just in my head and Castiel is with Dean, drinking and talking." Isabella said, placing her hands on her forehead.

"Oh, I'm 100% real, sweetheart. I'm here to tell you that it will continue to be worse if you just join me... and possibly you giving me that damn sand clock."

"And why would I give you that damn stupid Mora Miserium? You're already are a dark demon." Isabella said.

"I want mire. More power. It belongs to me. I am BLOODY CROWLEY! I will be your worst nightmare and I will kill you and your family." Crowley said.

"Not if I do something about it." Isabella said, getting up.

"Isabella? Are you okay? We heard shouting." Isabella heard Dean saying, about to come at the door, but she responded quickly by using her power and locking that door.

Hearing the doorknob trying to open, Dean was keeping rattling it, "Bells! Open the door! Open the goddamn door!"

Isabella turns to see 'Castiel' gone. She groans but before she can go after him, she got a text from Zed.

Z-patrol is at the school. I don't know if you'll be awake at this time, but they're here for the aliens.

Isabella forget about Crowley for a moment and grabbed her shoes.

"I don't want to kick this door, but I will! BELLS!"

Isabella shook her head before she grabbed her bow and arrow and opening her window before she escaped and went to the school.

Dean kicked the door and him, Sammy, and Alice enters her room, looking at the empty bed, "What the hell? Where did she go?" Sam asked.

"I don't know, but I can go track her and find her exact location." Dean said, before he left the room. Alice walks around and looked down, noticing that Isabella dropped her phone.

She picked it up and saw the message from Zed. Alice eyes widened when she saw it, "Dean! Dean! She's going to school. We have to go!" Alice said, before all of them went down and went to the Impala.


Willa, Wynter, Wyatt, Eliza and Bucky were behind the stage as they were messing with the Luma Lenses that Bucky found in the ground after he had a talk with the aliens. The wolves saw the male ex cheerleader repeatedly saying the same words over and over again, so they went up to him and see what the aliens were up to.

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