One For All

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Isabella quickly grabbed her phone and texted her brothers about what's happening right now. She didn't waited to see them replied, she was pulled by Wyatt and both of them ran to see what was the chaos about.

Everyone is coming out from the gym and into the hallway, just to be stop by a huge cracked forming on the floor.

Isabella was pulled back by Wyatt when he noticed that she was running ahead, about fall off as well, "Be careful, pup."

Everyone stopped screaming and walked around the cracked on the floor.

"The energy from the moonstone must've created the fault line." Zed said as Addison has her arm wrapped around Zed's, "If we follow this crack,
it may lead us to the moonstone."

"So it's only buried and not destroyed." Isabella said, bending down to see the light coming from underground.

The room started to shake once again as people started to lose their balance.

"We have to get to it." Wynter said to Willa, eager to get to it.

Willa nodded, "Quickly, while we still can." She said, as she started to go underground.

"Let me come with you." Isabella said, about to start going as well, but Wyatt stopped her, "Pup, no. Stay here. It's too dangerous even for a hunter."

"Wyatt, we have no choice. Besides, I went through worst cases than this." Isabella said, before she grabbed his hands, "Pup, please." Isabella pleaded softly, "Let me do this. For your pack. For you."

Wyatt looked at her for a few seconds before he gave in, "Let's go." He said, going after Willa.

He stopped and turned to grabbed Isabella's hand, bringing her down gently. Isabella did the same for Wynter, who thanked her along the way.

The rest of the werewolves followed them as Willa was leading them to where the moonstone light was glowing.

"It's this way. I see the light." Willa announces as she was walking ahead. The place was still shaking, making Wynter to hold Isabella while she was holding Wyatt's.

"It's coming from Seabrook Power." Isabella added.

Willa spotted the moonstone first, making her face beamed up, "Here it is!" She said, running towards their precious rock.

Wyatt and Wynter let go of Isabella and all of the wolves took their necklaces and placed them on top of their Moonstone. They were observing it and recharging them, making them feel stronger once again.

All of them started to show their true faces and growl.

"Way to go." Isabella said, looking at the wolves all proud.

It was all going well until the room started to shake again.

"We have to move it out of here." Willa said, putting her moonstone necklace back around her neck.

"Legend says that together, our pack can move the stone." Wyatt said, looking around his pack.

"All of us, lift!" Willa instructed as the every wolves started to lift the rock, but the rock was heavier than they thought.

"It's too heavy." Wynter said, about to give up.

"There's not enough of us." Willa said, feeling that they lost all over again.

"Then maybe you need to expand your pack." Isabella and Addison said at the same time.

The wolves looks at the white haired girl, along the rest of the group coming behind her.

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