BC: Dark Isabella

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It's been two days since the group has seen Isabella. In those two days, Isabella's friends have been meeting with the Lightwoods at their place.

"Is this everyone?" Wyatt asked, making Dean to shake his head, "No. Just one more person." Dean said, before he heard a doorbell ring.

"That must be him." Alice smiled before she gave the baby to Dean's arm and went to open the door.

"Bobby!" Alice said, before wrapping her arms around the old hunter, who returned the hug, "Nice to see you again, Alice. Where are the boys?" Bobby asked, stepping in the house.

Sam, Dean and Castiel walked up to him as Dean was the first person to give the man a hug while holding his daughter, "Uncle Bobby!" Dean laughed.

"Hey, Son. Hello, sweetheart." Bobby said before he grabbed the baby from Dean, who happily passed her to him.

"Hey, Uncle Bobby." Sam smiled, side hugging the man, "Hey, Sammy." Bobby said, before he shook Castiel's hand, "Cas,"

"Uncle Bobby, I would like you to meet Bell's friends. This is Zed, Allison, Elizabeth, Winnie, Willow, A-lan, A-bby, A-spen and Wyatt." Dean said, making Alice to rolled her eyes at her boyfriend.

The group stared at Dean weirdly. After all this time, he still has remembered most of their names.

"No, you Idjit," Alice said before naming them correctly, "That's Zed, Addison, Eliza, Wynter, Willa, A-lan, A-li, A-spen and Wyatt. You weren't even that close." Alice said to Dean.

"At least I got four names right and I got all of their initials. That's close enough for me." Dean said, before he grabbed the Alessia and placed her on a mat, where she was playing with her toys.

"Now is everyone." Sam said before they all were huddled in the living room.

"Well, kinda. Bonzo and Bree are on a vacation together with Bree's family, but wishes they were here." Addison replied, while plopping down on the couch.

"So, what exactly happened to Bells?" Bobby asked everyone.

"Isabella was acting strange since the aliens took Alessia for protection." Alice started, before Wyatt continued.

"And in those months she been having nightmares, not sleeping enough, and has been using a lot of dark magic. She was more into the sand clock she has been reading." Wyatt explains.

"Wait, I thought she was reading Harry Potter?" Addison asked the group.

"She used the cover as a disguise." Eliza said as she has returned from the internship.

"She was looking at the Mora Miserium." Sam tells their uncle, whose eyes widened by the mention of the object.

"This is not good. Whoever gets on hold with that sand clock, they'll be powerful enough to destroy the entire city or even destroy the whole planet." Bobby said, "We have to observe the dark magic out of her before we lose her for good."

"But how? She could be 10,000 miles away from here." Willa asked, wanting to get her friend back.

"I know you all are worried. Believe me, no one is more worried than we are. Our baby sister is still missing." Dean said, making the group to stare at Wyatt, who was very anxious, "Well and him too. Clearly you two have... a thing."

Bobby looks at Wyatt, "You and my niece? Together?"

Wyatt awkwardly smiled, "It's complicated. We haven't made things official. I haven't even asked her to be my girlfriend."

"They take forever to admit that they like each other. It's been years and nothing!" Zed exclaims, making the friends to nod at him.

"Even we could tell and we've been on Earth not that long." A-li retorted.

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