2. Edelweiss

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Jeno entered in room and close the door behind him. He looked up and froze seeing his husband infront of him.

Jm :"Hello" (his voice brought jeno out from his lost condition)

Jn:"Hi..hi" (he walked towards him) "Howare you?"

Jm:"Im good"

He said looking at jeno. Both of their eyes were fixed on eachother.

Jaemin was trying to hide his hands. His hands were back. Jeno didn't get what he was doing.

LJn: "Jaemin... Everythingis okay?"

Jeno took a step closer to Jaemin while Jaemin took a step back and was trying hard to hide his hands behind.

Jn: "Why are you hiding your hands?"Show your hands" (Jaemin shook his head) What happened to your hands? Show me"

Jm :"Its nothing" (jeno was losing his temper)

Jn:"Show me your hands now"

Jaemin gulped and looked in jeno's eyes. He slowly bring his hands forward. There were little cuts on his hands. Jeno wide his eyes and walked towards Jaemin and hold his hands.

Jn:"What happened? Why there are cuts on your hands?" (he yelled)

Jm :"I...Umm... (he said in fear)

Jn: "Jaemin relax...I'm sorry i shouldn't have yelled on you...Now say me how this happened"

Jm:"Vase slipped from my hand accidentally while picking those broken pieces.. i got cuts"

jeno sighed heavily and went out of the room while Jaemin looked towards the door in confused..Few minutes later jeno entered in room with first aid box, a small smile appeared on Jaemin's lips.

Jn:"Come sit here"

They both sat on the edge of bed while jeno took jaemin's hand and started applying ointment on his cuts.

Jaemin's heart skipped a beat seeing jeno's concern for him. After his parents there were no one to take care of him, he was happy that he took the right decision of marrying jeno, he was lost in jeno 's thoughts but soonwere interrupted by jeno's scolding.

Jn:"I said you to takecare of yourself. Why didn't you listen to me? What if these cuts would have been deep? Huh? There are maids in hyungs house why didn't you say them to help you? Why are you so stubborn?" (Jaemin looked down sadly)

Jm:"Im sorry" (jeno sighed)

Jn: Jaem, please takecare ofyourself" (he said in

Jm :"Jeno, Did...did you tell your parents about our marraige?"

Jn:"Nonot yet. I told you that how my appa is. If i tell him now that i married an unknown boy he will surely kill me, He has his own rules. I need some time to settle all this"

Jm : "And if your appa comes to know about this marraige. What will he do?"

Jn: "Yeah what i can? Huh?" (he yelled) He will be mad at me.Throw me out of house, And many more. I don't know" (he said calmly)

Jm:"What? No no you don't have to tell your appa about this marraige. I told you that you don't have to stress about this marraige. I just wanted the protection ofyour name and you gave me that, so now you can...

Jn:"Tell me what shouldi do? I think you are taking marraige as a joke" (he said in frustration)

Jm:"No I'm not.I know what problems can be created in your life ifyou tell everyone about this marraige. I just don't want to ruin your life. Your parents would never accept this marraige and me. You don't have to create problems for your-

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