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Doctor: "What is he to you? What isyour relation with himg" (Rj lookat the đoctor who was waiting for his answer)

Rj:"He'.. He's my husband" (he finally said  and looked at haechan who has a small smile)

Hc (in mind) :"Now I don't need anything. Because his words are enough for me. But now I'm getting scared of dying. I want to open my eyes for him. Iwant to live for him, with him. I want to here himself calling my husband" (with that he lost his senses and closed his eyes)

Doctor :"Okay. Nurse give him papers and prepare the operation theatre.

They started taking Haechan  to operation theatre while renjun kept moving holding haechan's hand.

Rj: "Please don't leave me

He slowly said and they took Haechan inside the operation theater. Rj fall on his knees and he, totally broke down in tears.

Nurse :"Excuse me" (one nurse shook his shoulder
and  Rj look up at her)

Nurse:Are you his husband?" (Rj nodded) "Please sign these papers and deposit the money at the counter" (Rj again nodded)"What's the patient name?"

Rj: " Donghyuck. Lee Donghyuck" (nurse nodded)

Nurse:"Here Mr.Lee .Please sign these papers" (she gave him the papers and Rj sign it  immediately)

Nurse: "He'll be fine (Rj nodded and sat on the chair crying)

The thought of deposit money came in his mind
and he run towards counter.As he remembered that he didn t took his car here was making him more restless. His phone andwallet was in his car.

Man:"Excuse me" (Rj turned towards voive)

The same man was Infront of him who said him about how this accident took place.

Man:I brought your car. It's outside (Rj sighed)

Rj :"Thank you so much (he rushed out and took his wallet and phone)

He went towards counter and deposit the money with his credit card, He run towards the operation theatre. His eyes were fixed on the red light which was on, His body was shivering.

Rj (in mind):"Im getting scared, Scared of loosing him.Ican't let anything to happen to him . I can't"

Nurse: Mr.Lee (the same nurse called him) "You should callyour family (Rj nodded)

Rj tookout his phone and start thinking who he should call? He dialed yuta's number and called him.

Yt:"Hi.. Renjunie" (Rj lose his control)

Rj:"Hyu..hyung" (he cried)

Yt:"renjun what happened? Why are you crying?" (Rj started crying more)

Rj:"Hyung that...(he said with hiccups)

Yt:"Renjun please tell me what happened?" (Rj took a deep breath)

Rj:"Haechan.... Haechan met with..an accident (he burst into tears)

Yt:"What? Where are you renjun? (Rj was not in the state to answer him)"Renjun please tellmeP (he ask worriedly)

Rj :"Seoul Healthcare hospital" (he said and cut the call)

Rj fell on his knees and burst into tears.

Rj:"I can'tloose him, I can't" (he mumbled)

As Rj cut the call Yuta fall on his chair in shock, Tears started rolling down on his cheeks.

Mk:"Yuta hyung I'm here" (he said excitedly as
he entered in the office)"Yuta?"

He took a step closer to yuta and lift his chin up who was looking down.

Like We Just Met • NCT Nomin & Renhyuck FF [ Ft. Yumark]Where stories live. Discover now