6. Sunflower

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This chapter only based on renhyuck.


Renjun and haechan were running, When they saw a huge ground on whîch huge tents were place. A lot of people getting inside.

Rj :"Haechan there" (they both run towards tents)

As they entered they saw lot of people in wedding outfits. As they took one step, they were stopped by someone. They both turned and saw a man standing there.

Man:"Who are you?" (he asked lookingat them)

Hc:"Ah..we." (he tried to say but stopped

Rj:"Whatis happenîng here?" (he asked looking around)

Man:"There are marriages today over here?" (he said and renjun's eyes widened)

Rj: "Marriages?" (he ask again looking around)

Man:"Yes, 50 couples are going to be husband and wife and some husbands today. We all are the residence of this place. We help eachother and make this arrangements for combine marriage. Some couples are of family, and some are of our friends and some are of ourneighbours. In short we are helping eachother to settle our children life" (haechan and renjun were impressed)

Hc: "That's great. I think we should go now"

They took a step out when renjun pulled haechan back as he saw the same van was roaming on road.

Rj:"Actually can we go in?" (he asked looking at that man)

Man :"0h so you are also here for marriage?""

Hc:"No actually- (the man înterrupt him)

Man :"Iknow Iknow. Don'tbe shy. Here is your number" (he gave both a smal card in which it
was written a number.

Renhyuck: "51" (they both read that number)

Hc : "No...no we are not- (his words were again interrupt by man)

Man :"Young man. Don't hesitate. We are here for the combine marriage. You are also welcome here" (he patted haechan's shoulder)

Hc:"But sir you are getting us wrong.  (he said again to make that man understand)

Man:"Im not going to listen anything. Just do as I say, and call me Mr.Choi or Yeonjun " (rj looked at hc  in confusion)

Mr.choi:"Come fill this form. Write your names in this form. Ill be just back" (he left from there)

Hc:"Where we stuck again?" (he yelled and start filling the form)

Rj:"haechan why are you fllingthis? We have to go now" (hc look at rj)

Hc: "Yeah like outside we have our plane, which will take us far from the goons standing outside" (hc said and started filling the form and put the pen aside as he finished filling the form)

Rj:"Let's try to escape" (hc nodded)

They both went out one of the goons look at them. He called other goons and they started taking step towards hc and rj. Before anything could happen, mr.choi stood Infront of them.

Mr.choi: "You both are here. Come inside'" (he pulled them both inside but now they both were afraid as goons saw them)

Mr.choi: "Kai, Beom baby come here" (he called someone)

As they both came they saw hc and rj and then turned to mr.choi.

Mr.choi:"Take them with you'll and make them ready, but in different rooms"

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