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Jeno drove back to home after spending a long day in office. He was very tired and was expecting to see the smiling face of his jm that could fade his tiredness.

Jn: "Im home"

He said as he entered his home. He looked around to find anyone but there was no one. Not even mrs.lee. Hall was empty. He looked around to find jm but he was nowhere.Jeno fell on sofa and closed his eyes.

Jn:"Water please"

He yelled. He was expecting jm to come with a glass of water and that's why he yelled. He was smiling with closed eyes thinking about his husband.


He opened his eyes on his mother's voice. She was tensed, worried. Jeno stood up and looked at her who was looking so worried.

Jn:"Eomma what happened?" (he asked and made her sit)

Mrs.lee:"Jaemin!" (she said and held jeno's hands)

Jn: "What happened to him?" (he asked tensed)

Mrs.lee:"Both Renjun and jaemin went on shopping but they still didn't return. Im so worried. I'm calling them but non of them is answering the call(she said and jeno took a breath of relieve)

Jn:"Eomma you scared me, They must be at Renjun's house (he said but mrs.lee shook her head)

Mrslee:"No I called there but Renjun's parents are also waiting for him. Even Haechan called to ask about Renjun, So I'm scared, Where these boy's are gone?" (she asked and now jeno was also worried),

Jn:"Eomma relax, Let me confirm"

He said and took his mobile out. He dialed jm's number but his mobile was switched off. Now jeno's heart was trembling with fear because jm never did that before. He never switched off his mobile. Jeno dialed rj 's number. Ring was going but he was not receiving it. jeno dialed again and again but no answer from other side. Jeno got tensed. He dialed hc's number.

Jn:"Hello Haechan" Che said as hc received the call) "Is Renjun with you?" (he asked)

hc:"No I'm calling him but he's not receiving" (he answered and now jeno was more tensed) "What happened jeno?"

Jeno heard him but cut the call and start thinking that were they both have gone.

Jeno called rj 'sparents who were also worried for rj.He again dialed jm's number which was switched off.

Jn(in mind) :"I'm not understanding what to do. How to contact them, How to find them. I want to see my jaemin "

Soon mr. lee arrived with rj 's parents, Haechan and his parents.

Mr.lee:"Is everything okay?" (he asked but jeno shook his head)

Jn:"Nothing is alright. Jaemin and renjun went on shopping since morníng and now it's 9 of night but non of them returned or called Che told everything to mr. lee)

hc:"renjun is notreceiving my call" (he said tensed)

Jn:"Im also trying but no response" (he said roaming here and there worriedly)

Mrs. lee: "Where they've gone!?(she said and cried)

Jn: "Eomma relaxjust please sit down (he made her sit and made her drink water)

Mrs. Huang:"Where's my son gone?" (she said and jeno looked at hc who was also worried)

Jn:"What you think?" (he asked hc)

hc:"It's critical, I'm not understanding. renjun never do that" (he said and jeno nodded)

Jn (in mind) :"Where they've gone?"

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