3. Chrysanthemum

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Jeno (in mind):"I was watching Jaemin and he was aware of my gaze on him.I think I have lost my control on my eyes. He's looking so beautiful"

Jeno was lost in Jaemin when someone put his hand on jeno's shoulder)

Yt: "Jen, control yourself" (he whispered and jeno smiled)

Mrs.lee: "Let's have dinner"

Everyone walked in the dining hall. AIl started their dinner while jeno's all attention were fixed on Jaemin who was nervous and scared Jeno  could senses his nervousness. Jaemin looked at him and jeno just tell him through his eyes to relax. After all had dinner, all went in hall and start talking to eachother. Mark, yuta and haechan were talking while, jeno eyes were stuck on Jaemin who was talking with Renjun. Yuta patted jeni 's shoulder and raised his eyebrows.

Jn:"Hyung do something, I want to meet him alone" (he whispered in yuta ear while yuta looked at him like he have talked about his suicide) "Come on help me"(  he again whispered)

Yt: "Jen , are you out of your mind?!! Your whole family is here.How am i supposed to take you to him?" (Jeno  sighed and palmed his face) "Okay don't be so sad. I'l do something" (jeno look at him happily)

Jn: "Really?!!" (Yuta  nodded)

Yt:"Markie, iwant to talk with you?" (Marj nodded)

Hc:"Hyung all family members are here, you can't do your private moments now" (Mark  and yuta wide his eyes while jeno giggled)

Yt:  "Yah you brat...I just want to talk with him" (he smacked Haechan's head)

Hc: "Really?!!" (he smirked)

Yt:"Do you want me to call Renjun?" (he smirked while Haechan expression changed into blank)

Mk:"It's okay yutashi , I'll go and say him that Haechan is missing you" (he winked while yuta  and jeno chuckled looking at haechan)

Hc:"No! You both can go and talk but please don't take that idiot name infront of me"

He looked at Renjun who was laughing while talking to others. Soon all were served dessert, jeno  was enjoying his dessert when yuta  came and sat next to him.

Jn:"What were you talking with mark  hyung?"

Yt:"Wait you'll know"

He said started talking with Haechan while jeno was looking at him in confusion.

Mk :"Jaemin come let me show you my house"

Jeno lookup where tae was already looking at him. He was asking for permission, jeno looked at yuta  who turn towards him and winked. Jeno turn see Jaemin and nodded telling him to go.

Mrs.lee  :"Go son

she said looking at Jaemin while jeno's lips smiled.  Jaemin and  Jungwoo went upstairs only Renjun was there all alone. After sometime yuta nudged jeno's arm.


Yuta  pointed towards the upstairs. Jeno was not understanding what he was saying. He just shrugged his shoulders while yuta  looked at him in disbelief.

Yt:"Duffer Jaemin is upstairs. Go (he whisper in jeno 's ear, he nodded and took steps towards stairs)

Rj :" "Jeno, where are you going

Jn:( in mind) this boy always have to interrupt my work?"

Jn:"Im just coming" (he nodded)

Rj :"But come soon. We have to go out on a drive, Remember?" (Jeno nodded and took his phone out and start typing)

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