22.Lily Of The Valley

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Jm  was looking at rj  who was raoming here and there with his mobile in his hand. rj  was looking angry. jm  thought to ask rj  but then stopped himself. But rj  was making jm with his continued pace.

jm: "Will you sit down?" (he asked and rj  looked at him)

rj  :"We are stuck and you are asking me to sit down. Damn this mobile"

He said and threw his mobile on the floor. jm  looked at rj  and then the Mobile which was thankfully not broken. rj  heldhis head and kept moving here and there.

jm: "Calm down and tell me what happened?"

He asked looking at rj. rj looked at jm and then went closer to him. He sat down and jm saw rj's eyes getting wet. A tear escaped from rj's eye making jm worried.

jm: "Hey what happened?" (he asked holding rj 's hands)

rj: "Mobile battery is dead" (he said still sobbing)"Im scared" (his words scared jm)

jm (in mind) : "He is the one strongest amnong us and now he is scared. What happened to him?"

jm:"Renjun what happened?" (he asked and.rj cried more)"Will you please tell me?" (he asked and rj  nodded this time)

rj: I missing my haechan.i want him.

jm:"So you're crying that you are missing Haechan not for being kidnapped?" (he asked and rj  nodded) "Then why are you crying. I knew it (he said and rj looked at him)

rj: "You should tell me. I'm missing my Haechan. I wanted to hear his voice and this damn Mobile..." (he said looking at the Mobile)"I don't give a damn to this kidnapping but see because of it I didn't see my Haechan. And one hope was this mobile but its also
refused to help me. I want to see him" (he cried again like a kid and jm held his head)

jm (in mind) : "What I'm going to do with this boy?"

jm:"Renjun come to your senses please" (he said but  rj cried more) "You want to see your Haechan?"(he asked and  rj nodded)"Then stopped crying and start thinking" (he scolded and rj pouted with his flowing tears)"Injunie" (he said and rj smiled with tears)

rj: "Il do something after all I have to see my Haechan" (he said and jm sighed)

Rj took his mobile, jm saw rj frst caressing his mobile and then he kissed it with love and jm was looking at rj shocked that what he was doing.

rj: "What? I love my things and I'm so attached to them" (he said and jm nodded with a smile)

jm: "I can completely understand. That's why you threw it few minutes ago" (he said tried to hide his smile)

rj: "That's was because I was angrys Now I'm okay (he answered) "Okay so did you recognized this place? (he asked and jm nodded)

jm: "This is the house where I lived in childhood with my parents" (he said and rj kept looking at him)

rj : "So what's this place name?" (he asked and jm looked up)

jm: "It's not the same place, I escaped" (jm answer shocked rj)"We are in Hanok city" (his answer made rj shock more)

jm: "We are in Hanok city" (his answer made rj shock more)

rj:"You...you sure?" (jm  nodded)"Okay I think I can try with this" (jm heard rj and looked at him who
started to open the back side of his mobile)

jm: "Is this going to work?" (he asked looking at rj who took out the battery and start rubbing it between his hands)

rj: "It will but only for few minutes so we have to hurry" (jm nodded)

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