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Mrs.huang:"Renjun you ready? Guest are coming? (Rj turned on his mother's voice)"Wow you are looking so beautiful" (Rj smiled and hugged mrs. huang) Come your dadis waiting" (he nodded)

He looked at himself for the last time in the mirror and step out with his mother. There was a party in the house called by mr.huang for haechan. Rj was so happy. Its been two week he and haechan's last meet. As he entered in the huge lawn where the party was held, he saw a huge crowd of guest. Everyone was just in their talks while,Rj just kept looking for the one who was his everything.

Rj (in mind) : "Haechan where are you?"

Yt :"Looking for someone"

Rj turn on the voice and saw yuta and his family along with jaemin, he greeted them with a smile and hugged them.

Jn:"Hey, Friend"

They turn on the voice to see jeno  and his family coming along with haechan and his parents. As they reached to them haechan's eyes fall on Rj and they both just lost in watching each other.

Yt :"haechan how are you now?" (he asked making both of them come out from their gazing)

Hc : "Im fine" (he said and looked away)

Mr.Huang:"Ladies and gentleman may I have your attention please"

They all turn to mr.huang and saw standing with mike in his hand.

Mr.huang: "As you know this party is for our son haechan who fight with death to come back to life. God returned or haechan to us. So this evening is for you my son" (all applauded)

Rj smiled and clapped. They, all were looking at haechan who was smiling.

Mr.huang: "But this party has one more reason.(They turn to mr.huang again)"Jeno and Renjun come.here"

Mr.huang said making Rj and jeno's heart stop.

Jn (in mind): "I know what there is going to happened. (mr.lee nodded his head to go)

Jn(in mind):"I really want to run out of here"

He looked at jaemin who eyes were lower but jeno could see fear and pain on his face. Jeno and Renjun slowly went to mr.huang and saw mr.lee joining them aswell.

Mr.huang: "Im here announcing the engagement of my son renjun and jeno. We are here to celebrate their engagement today"

Mr.huang said making jeno and Rj shocked.They both looked at eachother completely in shock. Jeno  immediately turn to see his life who's eyes met his and he saw jaemin's tears ready to flow. Jeno's heart stuck în his chest and he feel that his life would shattered if jaemin go far from him.

Mr.lee:"It's time to do the ring ceremony"

He heard his dad and took two steps back in shock, he look at jaemin again.

Jn(in mind):"Since the day we came back from that shopping, jaemin didn't come out of the house. I don't know why he was scared andwas not telling me the reason. And now when finally Im happy to see my husband out of the house this all happened. I'm supposed to give him happiness then how can I make him cry?"


Mr.lee put ring in jeno's hand and he look down at his hand and then jaemin.

Mk: "Appa, jeno  doesn't love renjun then why you are forcing him" (he whispered to mr.lee)

Mr.lee : "It's toolate to discuss this now, media is here now jeno  can't back out" (Mark glared at mr.lee in tears)

Mr.lee : "Exchange the rings now"

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