5. Hollyhock

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Jeno  phone startringing, jeno and jaemin parted from eachother and he received the call.

Jn: "Hello hyung!"

Yt:"Jen,  it's heavily raining. Where are you both? Come soon"

Jn: Ok ( he cut the call)

Jn: "jaemin, let's go home"

They both rushed towards the car. Jeno drove toward yuta  house as they reached they hurriedly run inside the house and saw yuta  and his family).

Yt:"Where were you? We were so worried.

Mrs.nakamoto: "jaemin go to your room and change your clothes or you will get cold (jaemin nodded) "Wait jaemin take jeno also with you. And jeno you also change the clothes okay"

jeno nodded and followed jaemin.



Jaemin came out after getting fresh and saw jeno who was sneezing very badly.

Jm: "jeno,  you okay?"

He went closer to jeno. He made jeno to sit on bed and start drying jeno's hair with towel.

Jm: "jeno,  go change your clothes"

He went towards wardrobe and removed some clothes for jeno  and handed over to him. Jeno  changed the clothes and came out still sneezing.

Yt :"Jen,  see what you have done?" (he scolded jeno as he again sneezed)

Mrs.nakamoto : "Son sit down. Minnie is bringing hot milk for you" (jeno nodded)

Jeno  saw jaemin coming with a worried face. Jaemin gave him a glass of milk in which turmeric was added.

Jn:"I can't drink this" (he said as he took a sip)

Jn (in mind):"Gosh it has a bad taste. I can't drink this"

Jn: "Aunty , i can't drink this, but i can drink chocolate  milk if you can bring that...(he said with a wide smile while others look at him with disbelief)

Mrs.nakamoto : "Son this hot milk is good for your health see how much you are sneezing, Come on drink ît

Jeno looked at jaemin who nodded his head. Jeno  hold his breath and gulp that milk down.

Yt : "Good boy" (he said holding his laughter while jeno glared at him)

Jn:"Okay I should go now. Eomma would be waiting" (he saîd as he got up)

Yt:"No you are not going anywhere. Can't you see how's weather. I told markie that tonight you are stayîng here"

Jkn:"But hyung..

Mrs.nakamoto : "Jeno, yuta  is right stay here. (she said and left from there with yuta)

Jn: "I have to go eomma would be so worried" (he took a step to go when jaemin hold his wrist)

Jm:"Don't go please" (tear slipped from his eyes) "Please stay. Im scared" (jeno pulled jaemin în his arms and hugged him)

Jn: "Minnie, eomma would be worried" Che caressed jaemin's hair)

Jm: "Call eomma. Tell her that weather is not good"

Jeno smiled because jaemin frst called his eomma, as eomma. Before jeno could call his phone started ringing, He received the cal and it was mrs.lee.

Jn:"Hi Eomma"

Mrs.lee:"Jeno, how are you son? I was so worried but thankfully yuta called mark  and said that you will stay there at night. I'm relieved now don't come home in this weather.Just there"

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