7. Tulip

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As Jaemin opened his eyes. He find himself sitting on floor while his head was resting on the edge of bed.It was in the morning, He did his daily routine and came out of the room and saw yuta in living room.

Jm : "Hyung" (yuta turned towards jaemin) "How's he now?" (he asked impatiently)

Yt: "jaemin he's fine now. And his fever is also gone and is alright" (he smiled and jaemin nodded)

Jm (in mind):"Thank God" (he smiled)

Yt:"You don'tneed to worry now. He was feeling alright and talking to me lastnight, But go after sometime to check on him" (jaemin nodded)

As yuta left jaemin dialed Jeno's number but he didn't received.

Jm: "May be he's sleeping(he mumbled and went toward dinning area)

All were having breakfast and talking to eachother.

Mrs.Nakamoto:"How's jeno now...?" (she asked looking at yuta)

Yt:"He's fine now eomma!" (he stood up) "I have a meeting today after that I'll go to Jeno's place to see him" (he said andrushed out with jungwoo and mr.Nakamoto)

Mrs.Nakamoto:"Jaeminie I think you should go to see jeno. It's your duty to take care of your husband"

Jm :"Yes aunty" (he said and left from there)


Jm :"Should I go there?" (he mumbled)

He started doing his work, And soon it was 11 am..He was so restless to know about Jeno's condition, He start roaming in the room when his phone start ringing, He checked the caller Id and it was yuta

Jm:"Hello hyung" (he received the call)

Yt: "Jaemin, Im here at Jeno's house"

Jm :"How's he now?" (he asked again)

Yt:"He's not fine Jaemin, He's having agair high fever and is again unconscious, Uncle and Aunty are not home, Jisung is also gone with them. Mark has some work so he wants me to go with him. Jeno is all alone" (tears started rolling on jaemin's cheeks)

Jm: "I want to see him hyung, Please take me to him (he said while cryîng)

Yt:"Okay jaemin. I'm coming you getready" (he cut the call andwas waiting for rm)

Yuta cut the call and gave jeno a death glare while jeno was so happy.

Mk:"Jen, you are such a creep you know that" (Jeno rolled his eyes)

Yt :"I agree with marj. You know jaemin was so worried" (jeni smiled)

Jn:"Yealh I know. And if he's tensed then he.should be here with his husband" (he took the bowl of soup andstart drinking it)

Yt: "Im feeling so bad because I lied to jaemin" only because of you. He's there crying for his husband and here his husband is enjoying soup"

Jeno laughed while Yumark shook their head în disbelief.

Jn:"Don't waste time now. Go and bring him here. Even mark hyung has some work so you both need to go out right (he winked at them)

Mk:"You know I don't have any work,yuta hyung lied just because of you" (he glared at jeno)

Jn: "I know hyung, But it's agood chance for you both to enjoy with eachother, And let me also enjoy with my husband" (he smiled)

As Mark and Yuta left jeno lay down on bed witha wide smile.

Jn (in mind) :"I haven't seen my husband since yesterday and it seems like years. Come soon my love i'm waiting for you

He slowly got up from his bed and walked out towards the hall. He entered the hal, all maids came Infront of him.

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