19. Iris

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Mrs  Lee was looking at jaemin and jeno unbelievingly. Jeno told her truth from start to now and her eyes were widely open hearing all this.

Mrs. lee: "Jeno " (A shock whisper came out of her mouth)

Jn:"Eomma that time he needed me and I helped him but when this help changed into love,ireally don't know. Ididn't know when all this happened. I wanted to tell you and appa about my marriage but I was scared" (he said still holding her hands to make her
believe on him)

Mrs. lee: " yuta and his family knows?" (she asked and jeno nodded)

Jn:"Even Mark hyung knew all this" (he said slowly making mrs. lee shock)

Mrs. lee:"What?" (she said shocked)

Jn: "Yes and they helped me in marrying  jaemin(he answered)"Eomma please lis..." (he was saying when hereceived a hard slap on his cheek)

Mrs. lee :"How dare you'll. How dare you and Mark hide all this" (she said angrily)

Jn:"Eomma I'm sorry" (he said with guilt)

Mrs. lee:"Sorry? Really jeno ? How dare you hide my son in law from me" (she said making jeno wide his eyes) Why? (she asked shocked) "And why is  that? (she asked)

Jn:"Because he didn't want to hurt you and appa but it was me stick to him all the time" (he said and laughed)

Mrs. lee:"Silly boy" (she said)"And you didn't feel shame hiding him in someone's house" (jeno was looking at mrs. lee in shocked)

Jn:"Listen eomma." (he tried to say but mrs.lee pushed him back and stood up)

Mrs. lee: "And you Jaemin come here"

she called jaemin who was standing like a statue. Jaemin looked at jeno who nodded, jaemin slowly walked to mrs. lee hugged jaemin.

Mrs. lee:"Im sorry son"

she said while caressing jaemin 's hair and jeno Could see how shock jaemin was.Stopping in front of mrs.lee , jeno could see fear on Jaemin's face, jaemin looked at jeno who  blinked his eyes to assure jaemin that nothing is going to happen.

Mrs. lee "Why didn't you force him to tell us about your marriage?" (she asked looking at jaemin )

Jn:"For your kind information eomma, your son in law was forcing me to marry renjun(he took part in conversation and went closer to them)

Jn:"Eomma you are forgetting me" (he saidas
and tried to hug her but mrs. lee pushed him back)

Mrs. lee:"Stay away. You kept my son in law far from me and now its your punishment that I will not talk to you for two days" (she said giving jeno shock)

Jn:"Eomma that's not fair"" (he protested but she ignored him and held Jasmin's hand)

Mrs. lee :"Come we have to talk a lot" (she said and dragged jaemin with her. jeno was standing there likea dumb man.

Jn (in mind) :"My eomma and husband both left leaving me alone. ButI'm happy that finally eomma accepted jaemin . And now I'm ittle tension free. Finally I can meet jaemin without any fear"

He thought and smiled happily. jaemin looked at mrs. lee who was all quiet. They both were seated in jaemin 's room and he was getting so scared.

Mrs. lee:"Can I say something?" (she asked and jm nodded)"You are looking beautiful in my son's clothes" (she said and jm cheeks heated up) "You love him?" (she asked and jm nodded) "I want to hear it" (she said and jm's eyes filled with water)

jm :"I'm sorry..I..never wanted to do all this. I just wanted his name but...but your son..is..so stubborn, He didn't leaveme alone and then I...I.," (he started crying)

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