24. Sakura

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Mr. Lee : "I'm going to talk to kun for marriage of renjun with my haechan (he said while eating his breakfast)

Mrs. lee :"Really?" Cshe asked happily and mr. lee nodded with a smile)

Mr. lee :"I had a talk with jaehyun and chanyeol and they said these four stupids done this marriage without telling us but now it's our duty to bring them together. We all can see how much crazy they are" (he said and mrs. lee nodded with a smile)

Mr. lee : "In evening we have to go at jaehyun 's as chanyeol has decided to adopt jaemin and till afteroon adoption procedure will be complete so he has kept a small party for jaemin so we decided to share marriage news to everyone in evening" (he said and mrs. lee smile)

Mrs. lee: "I'm going to call haechan . He was so
restless last night as you didn't let him talk to
his injunie" (she said and mr. lee chuckled)

Mr. Lee : "Yes please call him., He didn't ate his dinner last night in anger"

He said and mrs. Lee  walked out towards hc's room.
As she stepped in the room, she found it empty. She looked around to find hc but he was nowhere.

Mrs. Lee (in mind) :"Where did he go?"

She walked out of the room and went towards dining area.

Mrs. Lee : "Haechan is not în his room" (she said  and mr. Lee got up worried)

Mr. Lee : "Where did he go?" (he asked and took out his mobile to call hc but his mobile was switched off)
Mrs. Lee "Where did my son go?"

she asked worried as hc never went out without informing her.Suddenly mr. Lee's mobile start ringing and as he received his call, his eyes widened and looked at his wife.

Mrs. Lee :"What happened min?" (she asked worriedly)

Mr. Lee : "This crazy boy"

He sighed and stepped out of the house and mrs. Lee
followed him.

Before the call in Huang Mansion

Mrs. Huang : "You serve breakfast. I'l just come"

she said to maîd and walked to the stairs.Her feet moved towards rj's room. As she opened the door of room, her eyes widened as she saw rj and hc sleeping together. She stood on her place shocked. She turned îmmediately and closed the door. She ran
downstairs and saw mr. Huang going towards dining area.

Mr. Huang "What happened wifey?" (he asked looking at mrs. Huang)

Mrs. Huang:"That..Haechan and renjun are in Renjun's room (she said panting)

Mr. Huang:"What? What is Haechan doing here?" (he asked and took steps towards stairs)

Mrs. Huang:"Stop" (she stopped mr. Huang and held his arm)

Mrs. Huang:"Kun, ît's not good to enter like this"
(she saîd and mr. Huang nodded.)

Mr.Huang knocked harder on the door to make them wake up. He kept knocking which made rj and hc to come out of the sleep. As their eyes opened, they looked at eachother.

Rj: "I love you Haechan " (saying that he again snuggled in hc's arms)

Hc : "I love you my life" (whispering, he kissed rj's head and wrapped his arms around rj )

Again a hard knock on the door startled them and both came to their senses. They heard again a knock and got up immediately and looked at each other.

Mr. Huang :"renjun, haechan come out" (he said
making them shocked)

Their eyes went on the clock. They got more
shock as they saw 9 of the morning.

Rj :"Haechan what we will do now?" (he said scared and held hc's arm)

Hc:"Just calm down" (he saîd and both stepped down from bed)

Mr. Huang: "Renjun"

They heard again a yell for them and this tỉme, the door opened and mr and mrs huang. entered Both of them looked at mr and mrs huang  and then looked down.

Mr. Huang : "What's going on here?" (he asked and folded his arms on his chest)"Im going to call Johnny here"

He said and rj and hc wide their eyes and looked at each other.

Renhyuck : "Oh no!" (both whispered and looked at each other)

Both hc and rj were standing infront of their families. All eyes were on them and they were feeling embarrassed, hc looked up where his father was glaring at him.

Mr. Lee :"So will you both explainwhat is going on?" (he asked and both lowered their head more)

Rj:"Ididn't do anything" (he said slowly and hc looked at him) "I swear he came by himself to meet me. I didn't call him uncle, It's not my fault"

He said and hc's eyes widened which made him turned to rj fully.

Hc: "Now puting all the blame on me?" (he asked and rj nodded)

Rj:"Yes appa.Im your son, Can Ido like this? No Im innocent but this, Haechan was the one who came at midnight tomeetme"

He said putting all the blame on hc's head who was standing with shock face while everyone else were trying to hide their smiles.

Hc: "Injunie(he called him în disbelieve)

Rj :"What injunie!" (he saîd and turned to hc) "See how they are looking at me! You shouldn't have come to meet me" (he said as his eyes filled with tears)

Hc: "Hey, sorry. Don't cry"

He said while wiping rj's tears and everyone witnesses his love for hc.

Hc:"I'm sorry appa, uncle but I'm not on fault fully. You both made me do all this (he said and put all blame on their father's)

Mr. Lee/Huang :"Huh!" (both looked at him shocked)

Hc:"You both didn't letme see or talk to renjun  so I decided to meet him this way. So I jumped in your house uncle, climbed the pipe and jumped in Renjun's room to see him" (he narrated all the story which made rj smile and their parents shock)

Mr/Mrs Huang:"Jump?"

Mr/Mrs Lee:"Pipe?"

Hc :"Yes" (he said and turned to rj who was smiling beautifully)"Because I can't live without my injunie"
(he saîd looking lovingly at rj)

Rj:Me too" (he said lostin hc's eyes)

Mr. Lee"Ahem..we're still here kids" Che saîd making both of them feel embarrassed)

Renhyuck :"Sorry" (both muttered slowly while looking down).

Mr. Lee : "So you both are înformed that you both can't meet now" (he said and both looked up shocked)

Hc:"What? Appa I told you that I can't  live without renjun . Why are you people keeping us far from each other?" (he said without listenîng to others words)

Mrs. Lee "Such a shameless boy" (she said and others chuckled but both didn't understand their meaning of smiles)

Mr. Huang:"Son it's necessary to stay away from each other till your marriage"

He said and hc's eyes widened with happiness. Hc turned to see rj who was also shocked as he was. The shockof happiness hit them which made them đumb.

Hc:"What did you say uncle?" (he asked going closer to mr. Huang )

Sorry.. It's only 1173 words... 😪😪😪😪.. I'm soo busy... And no happy to do anything guys.. That's why I'm not update... 😪😪😪 i will come soon.. Stay safe all

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