21. Gladiolus

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hc:"Uncle, Appa please listen"

He said and both mr. lee and Huang stopped.They turned and waited for Haechan to say what he has to tell them.

hc: "We didn't do this intentionally. Me and renjun stuck in something which lead us to this marriage. (he started but didn't find them satisfied) "Il tell you from start" (he said and they nodded)

Mr. lee:"I need answer jeno" (he said and jeno nodded)

Jn:"Okay Im telling you from start. But you have to promise me to accept my jaemin " (he said and mr. lee turned to him)

Mr. lee : "Tell me everything" Che saîd and jeno took deep breaths and started what he was hiding since along time în his heart)



Jm was looking at RJ shocked. Blinking his eyes again and again he was trying to believe on what rj said.

jm:"What did you say?" (he asked and rj turned to him fully)

rj: "Haechan and me. We are husbands" (he clearly said making jm's eyes widened)

jm:"How? I mean how?" (he asked)

rj: "That's interesting" (he said remembering the day)"Okay listen. I was going to meet my friend and in that way I saw some goons kidnapping a boy.I tried to save him and that.goons left him but ran after me. I ran to save myself and then I bumped with Haechan.Goons start chasing us so we both ran to save ourselves. And then we entered a huge marriage ceremony where almost 50 marriage were going to happen. They thought us a couple and pulled us in and there we got married"

He stopped and took a deep breath. rj looked at jm who was shocked, looking at rj with wide eyes and open mouth.

jm: "Is this a drama story?" (Recovering from shock he said)

rj: "It's not drama. It's our story" (he said) "But you know these goons are the same who were me after that day. Haechan  fighted with them and then they tried to kill him" (he informed giving jm another shock)

jm: "Now what we will do? How we'll escape?" (he panicked again)

rj : "Relax. First don't be scared and secondly Il fnd a way" (he said consoling jm) "But first I have to find my mobile" (he said looking around but there was all
dark he couldn't see anything)

jm: "You think they left us with our mobile. They must took it away" (rj heard jm)

rj : "Yeah right! I know but still maybe I think I can found it" (he said and jm nodded)

They were looking around to find rj's bag in which mobile was placed. But due to darkness rj didn't see anything.

rj: "There's nothing I could see" (he said and sat again on ground with jm)

jm : "Leave it" (he said hopelessly)

rj: "Listen never give up. You listening me"

He said turning jm towards him. jm's tears were ready to come out and rj hugged him. As he knew jm was scared.

rj : "Don't be scared. God is with us and we'll be out from here"

He said and moved back. At the same time, the door opened and jm and rj stiffened on their places. A man with two bowls in his hand entered the room.

rj : "Stay calm" (he whispered in jm's ear)

Man: "Here is your dinner"

saying that he placed those bowls in front of them. Giving them a deathly glare, that man walked out of the room closing it again. rj sat.down and looked at the bowls where some ramen were waiting for them. rj looked at jm who was looking so pale and weak.

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