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They reached the hospital. The police with  commissioner went to seoul while others didn't as jm was unconscious. They took him to the hospital of Hanok city and all were waiting outside the room. Hc could see jeno's worried face. His eyes were roamed around to find rj but he was not there.

Hc (in mind )"Where this boy gone?"

Hc turned to his left side and saw rj  coming, hc took a breath of relieve. Rj took a seat beside mr. Lee.

Doctor:"Mr. Jeno" (he called and jeno ran to him)

Jn:"How's he now?" (he asked and all went towards him)

Doctor:"He's okay now. Due to stress, hefainted,Take care of him"(he saîd and smiled)

Yt :"Is the baby okay?" (he came and asked the doctor)

Doctor:"Both are fine. You can meet him"

he said and jeno rushed inside while others keep waiting outside. Hc looked at rj who was looking
so tired and weak.

Hc (in mind) :"How much I missed him and how I spent these days without him I only know

Rj:"Haechan (he called and went towards hc who was lost in thoughts)


Jm: "Jeno"

he called jeno who was standing few steps far from him.Jm's tears start flowing down from his cheeks and jeno ran to him, He held jm's hand în his and tae closed his eyes with jeno's feel.

Jn:"Im here. Nothing is gonna happen, Don't stress yourself"

Jm's heard jeno's shooting voice which made hîm open his eyes. Jm looked at jeno who was looking so worried and scared for him.

Jm:"I got scared, Ithought I'm never going to see you again (he said with tears)

Jn:"Don't think too much , God helped us and see now Im here with youP (he saîd while caressing jm's knuckles)

Jm:"jeno" (calling hîm, he took jeno's hand and brought it to his belly)"Youre goingto be a dad" (he said  happily and jeno smiled while getting up and
sat on bed next to jm)

Jn:"And you will be appa (he said and leaned on jm's face to kiss his forehead)"Thank you for biggest happiness.

He whispered and kissed jm's eyes.Resting his forehead on jm's,jeno looked at him and they both looked smiled with happiness.


Rj: "Haechan " (he walked to hc and stood in front of him and just kept looking at hc)

Hc: "What are you looking at?" (he asked but rj didn't answer)

Rj: "I want to hug you (he said and saw hc smiling with tears in his eyes)

Hc: "Me too" (he saîd making him smíle)

Rj:"I can't wait for the time. I want to hug you now. Please, Haechan " (he said as many tears escaped from his eyes)

Hc:"You have no idea how I'm stoppingmyself, But here we can't đo this. Alot of people are there I want silence and loneliness when we be together în each other's arms"

whispering very close to rj, hc walked towards mr. Lee.rj's heart beat increased on hc 's words. Cheeks heated up and he smiled. They stayed hospital for 2 hours and after that doctors discharged jm.  Their journey started again towards seoul. Mr. Lee was seated on front seat while others were on the back seat, adjusting with each other. Rj was looking outside window when he felt hc's hand holding his
hand making rj smile feeling his touch.

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