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?:"Jeno where are you? We all are waiting for you"

Jn: "Coming hyung...I'm driving now "

He cut the call and put the phone aside. Jeno was going to Mark and yuta engagement. Lee Mark the elder brother of jeno who was getting engaged to jeno's bestfriend Nakamoto Yuta. His all family and friends were waiting for him. He was stuck in his important meeting. As his meeting was over he rushed to the city as his meeting was out of town.

He started driving to the spot where the engagement function was held. Again his phone started ringing. He checked the caller id and it was ofcourse his bestfriend yuta.

Jn: "yes..yuta hyung"

He received the call.

Yt: "Where the hell are you man?"

He yelled from the other side.

Jn: "Calm down hyung...You know i was out of town.
I'm on iny way I'll be there soon"

Yt: "Be here in ten minutes or else!"

He said with a warning tone.

Jn: "Yeah I'm trying..I'm still at distance"

Mark: "Jen you better be here in next 15 minutes
or else...Me and yuta will not do this engagement"

He said and that was really a heart attach for jeno.

Jn(in mind): "My bestfriend and my hyung will cancel their engagement. No that's impossible"

Jn: "Huh...hold on what the hell are you two saying?
After all the effort our parents and yuta hyung parents agreed to this marraige and now you two
are talking rubbish to cancel it... Don't you dare"

Yt:"Jeno but...

Jn :"Hyung you bothjust do the ceremony. I'll join
you both as soon as i can"

Mk: "We'll wait for another half an hour for you"

He said and cut the call. He smiled thinking about his stupid but sweet hyung's. He started driving fast because he wanted to reach on engagement function as soon as he can. After 15 minutes his phone again started ringing. He smiled knowingwho must be calling

Jn: Yes hyung"

He answered the call.

Yt :"Where are you?" He asked impatiently.

Jn:"Coming hyung on my way, have patience"

Mk : "Yeah patience...Come soon. We all are waiting

jeno sigh.

Jn:"Yes Markie hyung...oh shit"

He wide his eyes wher someone came in front of his car.

Mk: "Jen? What happened?"

Jeno kept his phone aside and push the break to stop the car but it was too late, because someone was hit by his car.

Jn: "Oh God..."

He whispered and went out of car.

Jn: "Are you okay?"

He came closer to the person who was laying on road infront of him. It was all dark around, He couldn't see anything He turned on the light's of car and went to see the person. Jeno shake his shoulder when that person immediately got up and covered himself with a shawl.

Jn: "Hey...Are you okay?"

The person didn't answer. Jeno was trying to help but the person was trying to escape from there. Jeno came forward to hold him.

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