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Jaemin was looking at his hands but he was feeling jeno's eyes on him who was waiting for jaemin's answer. After coming back from the marriage hall Nomin, Renhyuck, Jungwoo  and Jisung came in Yuta's mansion to see the preparation of reception party. As they entered Yuta's mansion jeno pulled jaemin to his room.

Jn:"Jaemin I asked you something"

He againasked and jaemin sighed as two tears slipped on his cheeks.

jm :"Im...I'm..scared jeno" (he said and  jeno coming closer)

Jn:"That's what Im asking that why are you scared. Tell me everything. The reason of your tears. Fear that I can see in your eyes. What is happening jaemin? (he asked frustrated and worried)

jm :"I'm scared that my past in following me and one day I'll be caught by it"(he said and cried)

Jn:"What you mean?" (he asked and jaemin  looked up at him)

jm:"That...that day in mall I saw my stepmother and uncle, I got scared that my past will come in front of me again, That bitter reality was never be my past but it always be my present, How can I forget that that.." (he stopped and started crying)

Jn:"Shhh... jaemin Calm down" (he said while hugging jaemin)

jm:"yuta hyung's marriage I saw her again. I'm sure it was her...I can't forget those eyes. Those evil eyes. (he cried again while hiding his face in his hands)

Jn: "Shh..stop crying first.Tell me why are you scared? Because of these people?"

He asked while removing jaemin's hand from his face.

Jn: "Tell me why are you scared?" (he asked while cupping jaemin's face)

jm: "That.that..They..they will take me from here. Far from you again in that hell to beat me to sold me to someone. I'm scared jeno. I can't live without you. I don't want to go to that hell again. I don't want any other man to look at me or touch me, Please kookie Im scared save me please" (he said while crying)

Pulling jaemin in his arms, jeno wrapped his protective arms around jaemin and jaemin hide himself in jeno's chest, Tears were rolling down from jaemin's cheeks and jeno was calming jaemin down with his touch. They slowly pulled back but jaemin's eyes were still lower trying to control his tears.

Jn: "jaemin look at me" (he said ane jaemin look up) "You trust me?" (he asked while holding jaemin's hands)

jm:"More than myself" (he answered and jeno smiled)

Jn:"Then just don't think anything. Your jeno won't let happen anything to you. You are mine and no one can harm you until I'm alive. Don't be scared. Live fully. Just trust me I wo't let happen anything to you. About your stepmother and uncle, you don't need to worry about them, I know how I have to handle those people.

He said with a smile and jaemin's all stress lighten.

jm:"I love you" (he said and kissed jeno's cheeks making jeno laugh)

Jn: "Not bad hubby" (he said making jaemin smile)

jm: "I love you jeno" (he said while resting his head on jeno's chest)

Jn:"love you too, Don't think about anything but me" (he said while wrapping his arms around jaemin protectively)




It was reception time. yuta and mark was looking adorable as a pair receiving wishes from guests. All were happily talkingand laughing but in all this renjun was avoiding haechan. As he was angry on haechan for not believing him in afternoon car incident. He could feel renjun's restlessness on his ignorance.

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