13.Calla Lily

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Jaemin looked at jeno  whose eyes were fixed on the sky looking at the shinny moon. Jaemin turn to jeno  fully to see him. For him jeno  was more attractive than anything to see. They were still on the beach laying in the wet sand.

Jn: "Stop gazing mehubby" (he said and turn a little to see jaemin)

Jm:"Why?" (he asked and went closer to jeno)


He paused and pulled jaemin closer towards him and rested jaemin's head on his chest.

Jm: "Because what?" (he asked)

Jn: "I won't be able to control myself"

He said making jaemin giggled. Jaemin popped up and rested his arms on Jeno's chest while looking in his eyes.

Jm : "Really!! Who wants you to stop yourself"

He whispered while tracing Jeno's jaw with his fingers and winked at him.

Jn: "Hubby you don't know what you are saying! Because if I let myself free then it will be hard for you, to you know...(he said and winked back at jaemin)

Jm: "Shameless"

He said and hide his face.in jeno's chest.Jeno hugged him again jaemin just keep feeling his heart beat. Time was passing and they both just keep laying feeling each other. Suddenly jeno's phone ring and they both sat up. Jaemin look in front of him to the water while jeno received the call.

Jn: "Yes eomma" (he said and tae turn to him) "I'm... I'm with my friends. I'm coming. You don't worry (he said and cut the call)

Jm:"Need to go?" (jeni nodded)"So I'm your friend (jeno chuckled)

Jn: "You are my everything. My friend, companion, love, life"

He said while holding jaemin's hand making jaemin smile. They both slowly got up and walked back to the car hands in hand. Jaemin looked at jeno and smiled.

Jm(in mind) : "Where my life brings me. I still remember the first night when we met on the road and then how he helped me. Every moment with him is so special"

Jn: "Shall we?" (he asked jaemin as he open the door and jaemin nodded)

With someone

Man : "They are here" (A man in his fifty said looking at jaemin and jeno)

Lady :"Just look at him. I won't spare him for making me suffer"

The lady next to that man who was in her forties growled looking.at the smiling face of jaemin.Both jaemin and jeno  sat in a car and they droven out of the beach and that man and the lady start their car to follow them.

Lady : "Drive fast. I have to see where they are going" (she said impatiently)

Man: "Calm'down  Hyemi (Mrs.Na Hyemi step mother of jaemin) We won't miss them. But still we can't let them know that we are following them (Hyemi nodded)

Jeno was driving towards yuta's house to drop jaemin. Jaemin was holding Jeno's hand happily unaware of the danger following him.The man and Mrs.Na Hyemi continuously followed them until they reached the yuta's mansion. The huge gate opens and Jeno's car drive,in and again the gates were closed.

Hyemi:"The son of Bast**d. How dare he reached in this huge mansion. He must have been trap that rich boy"

she was growling each and every word in anger.

Hyemi: "I won't let him go this time Eric (Eric  Uncle of jaemin) you know what you have to do!" (she said and turn to the man who was smiling evilly)

Eric: "I know what I have to do. Let the bird fly for sometime" (he said and both laughed)

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