16.Baby's Breath

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Rj:"Come let's set your clothes in your wardrobe"

He said and pulled jaemin with him.They walked back to the room and started taking jaemin clothes out of his bag and started placing them in wardrobe.

rj:"Is there something between you and jeno? (jaemin turned fully on Rj's  question)

jm:"No. I mean nothing,..Why you asked?" (he asked nervously)

rj:"Just generally. The way he looks at you always so I thought maybe you both are.."

jaemin's heart jumped on Rj's word's. jaemin turned again to the wardrobe. His lips smiled on thinking about jeno's crazy gaze.

rj:"So is there something?" (he ask again)

jm :"No there's..nothing" (he lied)

rj:"jaeminah...can Iask you something?"(he asked and jaemin nodded)"Have you ever been kissed?"

jaemin turned to rh fully shocked.

jm:"What did you asked?" (he asked again to confirm)

Rj took jaemin's hand and pulled him to the bed. They both sat down in front of eachother. jaemin was looking at rj  who's lips were turning red while his lips were smiling.

jm :"renjunah.. is there anything you are hiding?" (he asked and rj looked up)

rj :"No I'm just asking.." (he said and pause for a second)

jm:"And what are you asking?"

rj:"What should a person do if someone kiss him? I mean after the kiss, how...how a person should behave?" (he asked and jaemin's eyes widened)

jm:"Someone kissed you?"" (he asked shocked)

rj:"No...no not me. My other friend. His husband kissed him for the first time and my friend is feeling hesitation in going front of him, They have kissed on cheeks.but this time his husband kissed him on lips.
He's really shy. What he should do? He asked me to help him but I really don't what to tell him jaemin looked at him suspected)

jm:"Sure this your friend not you?" (he asked and rj nodded)

jm :"Okay let me think!" (he said and started thinking about his first kiss with jeno)

jm:"Hm... Tell him to embrace the love. Kiss his husband back this time and give him shock" (he said and they both giggled)

rj: "But how would he kiss him? He feels shy" (jaemin nodded)

jm:"Okay tell him to close his husband's eyes so he can kiss him" (rj nodded with a smile)

rj:"I  think...I mean I'll tell him" (he said and jaemin nodded)

jaemin got up but rj held his arm again to stop him. jaemin could see a naughty grin on Rj's face.

rj:"What?" (he asked confused)

jm:"So you have never been kissed?" (jaemin slapped Rj's hand which was holding his arm)

jm :"Of course not, Who would be the one to kiss me!?" (he mocked and got up)

rj:"May be Jeno"

He said and jaemin shookhis head and walked out of the room with a smile on his face.

hc (in mind):"I'm not understanding what happened to renjun. He was okay till last night. But then what happened that he is not talking to me not even looking at me" (He dialed Rj's number but he didn't received)

hc:"What is wrong with him?" (he muttered looking at the cellphone)

haechan dialed jeno's home number. As he waited for someone to pick up.

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