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As jeno stepped in his room, he closed the door and start taking deep breaths to clam his nerve.Roaming here and there in his room, he was not understanding what to do. Being so close to his husband still he was so far. The limitation was killing him and the fire which was burning inside him was making him restless. He took off his shirt and went in washroom, He opened the cold shower on him to make himself calm.

Water was runníng down hisbody and his eyes closed down, Only thíng he could see was  jaemin's face. The closeness they shared. Jeno was not understanding what to do .He wanted to make jaemin his but for jaemin he had to wait for.the right time. After staying under the shower.for 20 minutes, he closed it and changed into his other trouser. He washed his face again to wake himself from Jasmin's effect. As he stepped out of the washroom, his eyes widened.

Jn: "Minnie" (A shock whisper came out of his mouth)

Jaemin was standing in his room close to door in the same white silk shirt which mrs.nakamoto gave him. Jeno's heart start running fast. Jeno turned around as again his heart was pulling him to jaemin to do same thing which he had done before. He closed his eyes and took deep breaths.

Jn: "Jaemin, you go to your room" (he said but a voice made him turned towards jaemin)

He saw jaemin who was closing the door and then locked it. Jeno was shocked looking at jaemin.

Jn (in mind): "What he is doing?"

Jn:"jaemin" (he called him)

jm:"I.I don't want you to stop yourself"(he said and jeno looked at him shocked)



Rj's mobile start ringing and he cut it again as he knew haechan was the one. He went in dressing room to change into his sleeping suit. He came out and heard again his mobile ringing but didn't picked it as he knew who would be there. As he was going to bed someone jumped in his room through window and rj turned to see the person.

rj:"haechan " (he said as he saw haechan  standing infront of him)

rj:"What are you doing here?" (he said and ran to door to lock it)

hc :"Why were you not receiving my call?" (he asked and rj went towards him)

rj : "What are you doing here?" (he asked and tried to stop himself from yelling)

hc : "What I asked injunie? Why you were not receiving my cali?" (he asked as he held rj's wrist)

rj :"Because I don't want to talk to you" (he said and tried to free his wrist)

hc: "I told you never avoid me" (with that he pulled rj making collide with his chest)

rj:"oh really. But today I don't want to talk to you. You don't remember anything" (he said as his eyes filled with tears)

hc : "I remember injunie" (he said and rj looked at him shocked)

rj: "You do?" (he asked and haechan nodded)

rj :"So what is it?" (he asked and haechan  walked toward bed with rj and they both sat down)

hc: "Our marriage completed 6 months. Happy anniversary mr. Lee Renjun"(he said and rj eyes widened)

rj (in mind) : "He remembered!"

rj :"You remembered!? Then why didn't you tell me in morning!?" (he asked while holding haechan's hands)

hc: "I was just teasing you and you like  a stupid boy didn't listen to me for once" (he said and rj held his ears)

rj: "Sorry. Happy anniversary dear hubby" (he said and hugged haechan)

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