He was all she could think about

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Ellie had gotten back from being with Cole, she went into the house before making her way upstairs, just as she was about to go into her bedroom, Nate came out of his room

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Ellie had gotten back from being with Cole, she went into the house before making her way upstairs, just as she was about to go into her bedroom, Nate came out of his room.

"You have fun with Maddy?" Nate asked as he looked over at her

"Yep" Ellie lied

"You're full of shit, I know you didn't go out with Maddy, who were you with?" Nate questioned as he raised his voice slightly

"It was just a friend" Ellie stated

"Who?" Nate questioned with sternness in his voice

"It's really none of you're business" Ellie said as she raised her voice at him

"I'm you're brother of course it's my business, tell me who it was" Nate demanded

"Fine if you really want to know that badly, it was Cole, Fez's fri-

"Another fucking drug dealer, you really know how to pick them don't you" Nate spat

"What they do has nothing to do with you Nate" Ellie stated

"It does when my own sister is hanging around with people like that, I don't want you getting involved in that shit" Nate stated protectively

"Fuck this, I'm going to bed" Ellie said frustratedly as she stormed off

Ellie heard Nate let out a deep sigh as she went into her bedroom.

She was sick of not being able to do anything without Nate kicking up a fuss, it was draining and she was becoming extremely fed up by the way he was acting.

The next day Ellie got a ride to school with Maddy again, she didn't have the energy to be around Nate right now.

"Are you going to watch the pep rally later El" Maddy asked as she was walking down the hall with Ellie

"Of course Mads, I wouldn't miss it" Ellie said as she smiled at her

Maddy smiled back at Ellie as she linked arms with her.

"So how was the date?" Maddy asked as she smirked at her

"Oh my god, it wasn't a date, we were just hanging out and getting to know each other" Ellie groaned

"That's a dat-

"As friends" Ellie stated cutting her off

"You had to lie to you're own brother, it was definitely a date" Maddy said with a smug look on her face

"I lied because I knew he would freak out and thanks for telling him by the way" Ellie said as she rolled her eyes at her playfully

"He asked me how the movie was El, my reaction pretty much gave it away" Maddy said with a grin on her face

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