The painful truth

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TW- mention of rape

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TW- mention of rape

Cole had just dropped Ellie off at home after she stayed the night at his, she walked into the house as she shut the door behind her.

"Ellie, come in here please" Cal said from the living room

Ellie walked into the living room to see her parents sitting on the couch.

"Is there something you want to tell us" Cal said as she looked over at her with a serious look on his face

"No, why?" Ellie asked with a confused look on her face as she stood in front of them

"Sweetheart, we know" Marsha said as she looked at her disappointedly

"What's going on-

"You've been lying to us, all those times that you said you were going to Cassie's house, you were with him weren't you" Cal stated as he raised his voice

"Nate said something didn't he" Ellie said in an irritated tone of voice

"That doesn't matter, you lied to us again, and we know that you stayed with him last night, I'm guessing that t shirt belongs to him" Cal said with frustration in his voice

"I don't care that I lied, I don't give a shit about anything that you have to say, I love him and he loves m-

"Stop, just stop, I am so disappointed in you, if you ever see him again, I'll tell the police everything, do you understand" Cal shouted angrily as he stood up

"Your fucking insane, you can't control my life, I can do what I want" Ellie spat

"No you can't, you live under my roof which means you will do what I say" Cal warned as he stepped closer to her

"You just love to be in control of everyone around you, that's all you've ever been bothered about" Ellie fumed as she raised her voice

"Come on, let's just calm down" Marsha said as she stood up and stood next to Cal

"No I won't calm down, do you know how hard it was growing up with him as a Dad, he was never there for me, all he cared about was you and the boys, I was just pushed to the side" Ellie stated as she looked over at her Mom

"That's not true Ellie" Marsha said with sadness in her voice

"Yes it fucking is, you know exactly how my childhood was, we were close at one point and then you just stopped giving me all of that love and attention, and he's the reason why" Ellie spat angrily as she looked over at Cal

"I've had enough of this nonsense, go to your room" Cal demanded

"I'm not going anywhere, I want answers, I want to know why you couldn't be a father to me" Ellie stated

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