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Ellie was dancing with Cassie in the living room while Cole was outside with Fez, she turned around as she heard people start to chant Nates name

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Ellie was dancing with Cassie in the living room while Cole was outside with Fez, she turned around as she heard people start to chant Nates name.

She looked over to see Nate and Maddy walking into the kitchen, she felt torn she wanted to go and see Maddy but the thought of being in Nate's presence made her feel uncomfortable.

"You okay El?" Cassie asked as she noticed the look on Ellie's face

"Yeah I'm okay Cass" Ellie said as she smiled at her

Cassie smiled back at her as she carried on dancing, Ellie glanced over at Nate and Maddy before turning her attention back to Cassie.

"Mckays calling, I'll be back in a sec" Cassie said as she looked down at her phone

"Okay Cass" Ellie said as she watched Cassie walk off

Ellie felt a pair of hands wrap around her waist, she turned around to see an irritated looking Cole.

"What's wrong?" Ellie asked with concern laced in her voice

"Your brother is a fucking dick" Cole fumed as he clenched his jaw

"What happened?" Ellie asked worriedly as she looked up at him

"I was walking through the kitchen and he purposely pushed past me" Cole said in an irritated tone of voice

"Just ignore him, he's acting like an idiot" Ellie said as she looked over at Nate who had a smug look on his face

"Yeah your right, I'm not going to let him ruin our night" Cole said as he pulled her closer towards him

As the night went on, Ellie had been sitting with Cole in the living room, she wanted to avoid Nate at all costs.

"Let's go and get a drink" Cole said in her ear as she was sitting on his lap

"Can we just stay here" Ellie said as turned her head to look at him

"Your with me, you'll be fine" Cole said reassuring her

"Okay" Ellie said as she got up from his lap

Cole grabbed ahold of her hand as he led her the through the crowd of people.

They walked over to the counter in the kitchen, Ellie looked over at Maddy as she gave her an awkward smile.

Ellie stood next to Cole as he was pouring the drinks, she looked over at Nate who was already starring at her.

As Cole handed Ellie her drink, he noticed the way that Nate was looking at her, it angered him because he could see how uncomfortable she was.

"Is there a problem?" Cole asked in a blunt tone of voice as he looked over at Nate

"I think we all know what the problem is" Nate said as he moved away from Maddy

"And what's that?" Ellie asked as she looked over at him

"You being with him, I mean come on El, you could do a lot better than that" Nate said cockily as he walked towards her

"I've already told you, I don't care what you think, I'm happy and that's all that matters" Ellie said as she raised her voice slightly while putting her drink down on the counter

"Just don't come crying to me when he fucks someone else" Nate spat as he looked down at Ellie

Cole clenched his jaw as he walked over to Nate.

"She doesn't care about your opinion and I neither do I, so just do us both a favour and shut the fuck up already" Cole spat angrily as he stood in front of Nate

Ellie turned to look at Cole as she grabbed the side of his arm.

"He's not worth it, trust me" Ellie said as she stood next to Cole

"Your ruining your life" Nate spat as he looked down at her

"And she's not?" Ellie stated as she looked over at Maddy then back at Nate

"That's not fair" Maddy said as she looked over at Ellie

"I'll tell you what's not fair, my own brother acting like a complete psychopath, it's a fucking joke, you need to focus on your own relationship, instead of getting involved in mine" Ellie fumed as she looked up at Nate

Maddy glanced at her as she walked off, Ellie knew she'd hit a nerve.

"Shut your fucking mouth, you have no idea what your talking about" Nate shouted aggressively as he went to grab her arm

"Touch her and I'll kill you" Cole threatened as he gently pushed Ellie out of the way

Within an instant Nate pushed Cole which made Cole even more angry that he already was, Ellie watched as Cole pushed him back twice as hard.

"Stay the fuck away from my sister" Nate spat angrily as he grabbed Cole by his shirt

Ellie ran over as she pushed Nate away from Cole.

"I hate you, I fucking hate you!" Ellie shouted as she looked up at Nate with glassy eyes

Nate looked at her emotionlessly as he walked back over to the counter.

"Come let's go" Cole said as he held onto her hand tightly

Ellie glanced at Nate before walking off with Cole.

"I'll be back in a sec" Ellie said to Cole as she went over to Maddy

"I know you didn't like what I said but it's true Mads, the way Nate acts isn't normal, when he did that to you I-

"What are you talking about?" Maddy asked with confusion in her voice

"You know exactly what I'm talking about" Ellie stated

"No I don't, there's nothing wrong with him" Maddy stated defensively

"Maddy, you can't hide who he is" Ellie said with a hint of sadness in her voice

"Look your my best friend so I'm not going to get into this with you but respectfully please just stay out of it" Maddy said bluntly as she glanced at her before walking off

Ellie watched as she walked off, Cole came over to her as he pulled her into a hug.

"Let's get you home" Cole said softly as he looked down at her

Ellie nodded at Cole as she smiled at him weakly.

She hated the fact that her own brother had got physical with Cole, she didn't want things to be like this but what Ellie hated more than anything, was her best friend being with someone who had abused her.

Who's loving the drama? I really liked writing this chapter, there's going to be a huge plot twist in the next chapter so stay tuned!✌🏼

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