A brothers betrayal

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Ellie had got back home just in time for dinner, she walked into the dining room to see everyone sitting at the table

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Ellie had got back home just in time for dinner, she walked into the dining room to see everyone sitting at the table.

"Perfect timing" Marsha said as she looked over at her with a smile on her face

She smiled at her Mom awkwardly as she felt Nate's eyes glued to her.

Ellie sat down next to Aaron, she was sitting across from Marsha and Nate while Cal was sat at the end of the table.

As they all began to eat their food, Nate examined Ellie's appearance closely, he could tell by her messy hair and smudged makeup that she'd been with Cole.

"Did you have fun at Cassie's?" Marsha asked as she looked over at her

"Yeah, we just watched movies and stuff" Ellie lied

"You're so full of shit" Nate spat as he glared at her

"Nate" Marsha said as she looked over at him with a shocked look on her face

"Tell them" Nate demanded as he raised his voice slightly

"Tell us what?" Cal questioned as he looked over at him with a confused look on his face

"Don't" Ellie warned as she shot Nate a glare

"She's been fucking a drug dealer" Nate admitted as he looked over at him

"Is this true?" Cal asked in a stern tone it voice as he looked over at her

Ellie wanted the ground to swallow her up, she knew the second her family found out about Cole that they would disapprove.

"Does this mean I can get free shit" Aaron said as he looked at his sister

"Shut up" Cal ordered sharply as he glanced at him

Marsha shot Aaron a disapproving glare before turning her attention to Ellie.

"He's lying" Ellie stated with panic laced in her voice

"Ellie, please just tell us the truth" Marsha begged with a hint of softness in her voice

"Yes it's true but he's the nicest person I've ever met, he cares about me an-

"Don't be so stupid, someone like that does not care about you Ellie" Cal spat as he raised his voice at her

"What would you know?" Ellie said frustratedly as she glared at him

"I don't want you seeing him ever again, you hear me" Cal fumed as he looked over at her with anger in his eyes

"What, but that's not fair" Ellie stated as she raised her voice

She looked over at her Mom with a look of desperation on her face.

"Please Mom, help me out here" Ellie begged desperately

"I'm sorry Ellie but your Dads right, he's no good for you" Marsha said as she looked over at her

"That's bullshit" Ellie spat as she stood up from her chair

"Watch your mouth" Cal warned as he pointed his finger at her

"This is all your fault" Ellie spat angrily as she looked over at Nate

"Im just looking out for you sis" Nate said sarcastically as he looked at her with a smug look plastered on his face

"Fuck you" Ellie spat angrily as she glared at Nate

"That's enough, go to your room now!" Cal shouted angrily as he shot up from his chair

"Gladly" Ellie said bluntly as she glanced at him before storming off

Ellie rushed upstairs to her room, she walked in as she slammed the door behind her.

She huffed frustratedly as she as sat down on the edge of her bed.

Ellie knew that no matter what choices she made in her life that Cal would always be the one to judge her, there wasn't any part of him that had any intention of being a father to her, he just wanted another person to control.

She laid down on her bed as she rested her head on her pillow.

Just as she was about to close her eyes, she heard her phone buzz, she looked over at it to see a message from Cole.

Cole: I can't get you off my mind x

A smile appeared on Ellie's face as she read the message.

Just as she was about to reply, her bedroom door burst open revealing an angry looking Nate.

"I really hope you used protection, the last thing you need is to have a baby with a fucking drug dealer"  Nate spat as he walked into her room

"What I do has got nothing to do with you Nate, you had no right to tell Mom and Dad about Cole" Ellie stated irritatedly as she stood up from her bed

"I had every right, don't you fucking get it, I'm looking out for you" Nate stated as he raised his voice as he walked over to her

"I don't need you to, Cole is the best thing that's ever happened to m-

"It won't last, he'll be fucking someone else by next week" Nate spat bitterly as he stood infront of her

"Cole wouldn't do that to me" Ellie stated defensively

"Trust me, it'll happen, it always does to girls like you" Nate stated

"Girls like me?" Ellie questioned as she raised her eyebrows at him

"You know, naive, stupid, will fall for any guy that shows her the slightest bit of attention just because she wasn't shown it as a kid" Nate spat viciously

"Get out" Ellie ordered as she looked at him with hurt in her eyes

"Im always right sis" Nate said as a devilish smirk appeared on his face

"I said get out!" Ellie shouted with rage as she pushed his chest forcefully

Nate looked down at her emotionlessly before walking away from her, Ellie watched as he walked out of her room.

Ellie rushed over to the door, she slammed it shut, she could feel tears start to stream down her face as she went back over to her bed.

She laid down on her bed, she began to sob as she held onto her pillow tightly, she knew there was truth in what Nate had said to her but there was something about hearing those words come out of his mouth that hurt her deeply.

Hey guys, I'm so sorry I've been so inactive lately, I've just been so busy with assignments and work, I've got some time off for Christmas so I'll definitely be able to get some more chapters written for you all! X

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