Ellie Jacobs

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Ellie Jacobs had always felt out of place, her family didn't really understand her much as a person which made her feel alone, sometimes she felt as though she was just a doll living in this pretend perfect world that her parents had created to fo...

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Ellie Jacobs had always felt out of place, her family didn't really understand her much as a person which made her feel alone, sometimes she felt as though she was just a doll living in this pretend perfect world that her parents had created to fool those around them but in reality her family was far from perfect.

"Ellie if you don't come down stairs now, I'm leaving without you" Nate shouted as he stood at the bottom of the stairs

"Alright, Just give me a second" Ellie shouted frustratedly

Ellie quickly grabbed her bag off the bed, she rushed out of her room before walking down the stairs.

"Finally" Nate said as he looked up at her

"You are so unbelievably impatient" Ellie said as she stood infront of him with an irritated look on her face

"And you are so unbelievably annoying, go and get in the car" Nate stated as he pushed her lightly

Ellie rolled her eyes at him before walking towards the front door, she opened it and sent made her way outside.

She got into car, slamming the door shut behind her.

Nate looked over at her with an annoyed look on her face before getting into the car.

"How many fucking times do I have to tell you, don't slam the door" He stated irritatedly as he turned to look at her

"Sorry" Ellie said quietly before going on her phone

"I don't want you getting too drunk tonight, the second you start being embarrassing and stupid you're going home" Nate stated sternly as he glanced at her

"I took it too far once that doesn't mean it's going to happen every time I'm at a party, I'll be fine" Ellie said as she looked over at him

"It better not happen again, I'm being serious Ellie" Nate warned

"It won't" Ellie said as she looked back down at her phone

"Good" Nate said bluntly

Ellie knew how controlling Nate could be, ever since she was younger he always had this authority over her and it didn't matter how many times she told him to go away or to leave her alone he wouldn't, he'd always be there telling her what she could and couldn't do.

She was a year younger than Nate and being her big brother I guess you could say that he always felt like he needed to protect her even though he hadn't always gone about it in the right way.

The car came to stop once they got to Maddy's house.

"Thanks for the ride, I'll see you later" Ellie said as she looked over at Nate before getting out the car

Nate rolled down the window as he looked over at Ellie.

"Oh and if Maddy starts being a bitch about me, tell her to shut her mouth" Nate said with bitterness in her voice

"She's my best friend Nate, I'm not going to tell her to shut up plus I'm not getting involved in whatever is going on between the two of you" Ellie stated honestly as she stood next to the car

"I'm you're brother, I'd like to think if someone was bad mouthing me, you'd have my back" Nate said as he raised his voice slightly

"Im sorry Nate but you know I don't like getting involved in drama and stuff, it makes me feel uncomfortable" Ellie admitted

"Fine whatever" Nate huffed as he glanced at her before driving off

Ellie watched as he drove off, she let out a deep sigh before walking over to the front door.

She knocked on the door, within an instant Maddys mom opened it.

"Ellie, it's so nice to see you sweetie" Maddy's mom said as she pulled her into a hug

"It's nice to see you too" Ellie said as she smiled at her after detaching from the hug

"Go on upstairs hunny, she's in her room with the girls" she said softly as Ellie came into the house

"Perfect, thankyou" Ellie said before she made her way upstairs

Ellie went over to Maddys bedroom door, she opened it as she walked into her room.

"Ellie!" Maddy cheered before running over to her

Maddy pulled her into hug as she squeezed onto her tightly.

"Finally, we didn't think you were coming" BB said as she looked over at her

"I know sorry guys, I was running a little late, I just need to get dressed then I'm ready" Ellie said as she stood next to Maddy

"What are you going to wear El?" Kat asked as she smiled at her

"Just this floral ditsy dress, nothing fancy" Ellie said as she looked over at Kat

"No no, come on you always go for the innocent look, why don't you spice it up a bit and wear something sexy" Maddy said as she winked at her

"Do you want me to end up dead, Nate would kill me Mads" Ellie said as she looked at her

"Oh fuck him, no offence but come on who cares you've got an amazing body, you need to show it off" Maddy said as she walked over to her wardrobe

"I just don't think it's a good ide-

"How about this?" Maddy said as she pulled out a short strappy black dress

"I don't know Mads" Ellie said as she looked over at her

"It would look so good on you El, please wear it" Kat said as she looked over at Ellie

"Kats right, you should wear it" BB said before having a puff of her vape

"Their right El, you'd look so good in this" Maddy said with excitement in her voice as she smiled at her

"Okay fine" Ellie said as she rolled her eyes at Maddy playfully

"Yay" Maddy chirped as she handed the dress over to her

Ellie went into the bathroom to get changed, she knew Nate was going to have a problem with it but she couldn't keep avoiding doing things she wanted to do just because she was worried about what he would say.

(Ellie's dress)

(Ellie's dress)

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